Hello everyone
I'm developing a private blockchain structure which communicates with websocket (for gossip protocol, consensus, sync, business calls, etc, ...)
and another requirement is that message structure is JSON RPC
I have several questions and recommendations
1 -
I need to extend the original structure for security (signature, digest, checksum etc)
By the way, I'm already using "id" field for custom values, ie: "[id];[hlc];[node-id];[version];..." but signature is special case, it should not be in other fields
2 -
I also need to extend error because I should also transfer some context values (correlation id, error fqdn, etc)
3 - If the serialization is required by business owners
is there any option for it
4 - is version tag meaningful? or
Is it JSON-RPC version or can I use it my version?
Note: "params of request" and "result of success response" can be JsonArray or JsonObject, I gave examples for only object
My sample cases
>>> {version: "2.0", signature: "...", id: "I'm using all custom values here", method: "topic-name", params: {...}}
<<< {version: "2.0", signature: "...", id: "...", result: {...}}
<<< {version: "2.0", signature: "...", id: "...", error: {id: -1, message: "", details: ""}}
I would like to get recommendations
Thank you, and have a great day