Routing paradigms for JSON-RPC?

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Robert Poor

Dec 11, 2023, 9:03:51 AM12/11/23
I know that routing (aka transport layer) is outside of the domain of JSON-RPC, but as a newcomer, I'd like to know what approaches have been adopted for routing JSON-RPC messages.  Are there any shining examples that are particularly popular? 

(And are there any examples where the routing information itself uses JSON syntax?)

Thanks in advance.

Andrew Arnott

Dec 11, 2023, 2:33:43 PM12/11/23
For LSP (Language Server Protocol) we've had a need for a kind of fanning out of JSON-RPC requests. Two parties will communicate, but one might send the other a request that cannot be directly solved, but the receiver has several other parties over JSON-RPC that it can forward the message to for processing. When doing so, the request ID has to be changed to be unique over the new connection, and then when the response comes back, it is FW'd to the original client using the original request ID.

Andrew Arnott
"I may not agree with what you have to say, but I'll defend to the death your right to respectfully say it. And I hope you will return the courtesy when the time comes." - my own twist on S. G. Tallentyre

From: <> on behalf of Robert Poor <>
Sent: Monday, December 11, 2023 7:02 AM
Subject: [json-rpc] Routing paradigms for JSON-RPC?
I know that routing (aka transport layer) is outside of the domain of JSON-RPC, but as a newcomer, I'd like to know what approaches have been adopted for routing JSON-RPC messages.  Are there any shining examples that are particularly popular? 

(And are there any examples where the routing information itself uses JSON syntax?)

Thanks in advance.

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