Saddam's brother be-headed

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Kyle Curtis

Jan 15, 2007, 3:09:40 PM1/15/07
to Noah Walden, Chuck Day,,,,,,,,,,
Maybe they should use a guillotine next time?  Hopefully, they'll figure out this hanging thing- no jeering, not too much rope- next time...

Saddam's Brother-in-Law Beheaded in Hanging

Two more were hanged in Iraq, Awad Hamed al-Bander and Saddam Hussein's brother-in-law Barzan Ibrahim al-Tikriti. Barzan's execution went worse than Saddam's with him being beheaded. Iraqi Sunnis aren't pleased:

Saleem al-Jibouri, a senior Sunni Arab member of parliament, told Reuters Barzan's body may have been weakened by the cancer he was suffering: "But we have doubts and we want to ask experts and doctors if it's possible the head can come off," he said.

Barzan's son-in-law hurled a sectarian insult at the government on pan-Arab Al Jazeera television: "As for ripping off his head, this is the grudge of the Safavids," he said — a historical term referring to Shi'ite ties to non-Arab

"They have only came to Iraq for revenge," Azzam Salih Abdullah said from Yemen. "May God curse this democracy."

The Iraqi government says there were no taunts during the hanging. There's no word on whether anyone videotaped the even with their cell phones.

"Saddam Aides Hanged, Anger at Beheading 'Mishap'"

On 1/15/07, Kyle Curtis <> wrote:
oh, and how did that "red tide" of Communism sweeping across Asia go after we pulled troops out of Vietnam after twenty years?  isn't it amazing that the U.S. is Vietnam's #1 trading partner, and the Vietnamese view the U.S. in a more positive light than the view China or Russia?

there would've been no Khmer Rouge if the U.S. hadn't decided to bomb the shit out of an agraian, un-invovled jungle country.  sorry to point out the obvious, but that's something that needs to be pointed out to you on a regular basis...

On 1/15/07, Noah Walden <> wrote:

On 1/14/07, Kyle Curtis <> wrote:
Here's the thing, Chuck, liberals aren't communists.  Why is that?  Because to be a "liberal" you have to be concerned about a little thing known as "liberties"- which the Communists don't.

The crazy thing is if you replaced "the state" with, oh, "the market" or "capitalism" you come off as the second coming of V.I. Lenin!  Tell me, why the fuck is it okay to sacrifice indivuals for the merket, but if the state steps in to ensure that the common wealth goes towards the common good we get your reactionary remakrs that "socialsim is the ultiamte evil and kills more people than AIDS" or something along those lines.  Tell that to the doctors in Canada and Denamrk, who are under the mistaken beleif that by providing cradle-to-grave health insurance they are aving people's lives but they are, in fact, killing them.

But you'll fire back that you are adamant about supporting liberties and human rights.  Yet you are in full support of repealing habeas corpus and indefinite detention without charge.  That flies in the face of human rights, thus puts you in a position akin to Stalin.  Quit being such an ideologue, comrade.

Yes, the communists had plenty to do with the killings of liberals by the Khmer Rouge.  If you weren't such a pea-brain you'd be aware of that...

On 1/14/07, Chuck Day <> wrote:

I'm sure the communist had nothing at all to do with the communist murders in Cambodia.



Once in awhile you get shown the light

In the strangest of places

If you look at it right


From: "Kyle Curtis" <>
CC: "jerry jordan" <>, "Craig Ireneus" <>, Charl <>, "Chuck Day" <>, "Mark Grosz" <>, "Michael Teppner" <>, "Noah Walden" <>, "Paul Raidna" <>, "Rachel Ingram" <>, "Shannon Butler" <>, "Todd ." <>
Subject: Re: [Jsmog] Re: kokoooo!!!
Date: Sun, 14 Jan 2007 17:18:43 -0800

liberals were the first victims of the Khmer Rouge.  but what would I know, having stood in the  Toul Sleng receiving first-hand accounts of atrocities committed by the KR from survivors...

On 1/14/07, Jenna <> wrote:
And Chuck will continue to use Cambodia as an example of liberalism gone wild with complicitness by the liberals in America. Just as Bush Sr. had no interest in what was going on in Iraq once our military pulled out (and thus, created the gassing-kurds pretext for his sons' warmongering), Ford had no interest in what was going on in Cambodia once we pulled out.

But Chuck will conveniently forget who set the stage in Cambodia in the first place: Nixon and his deceit.

On 1/14/07, Kyle Curtis <> wrote:
Such myopic fools.

The sad thing about Iraq is- similar to how our nation's disgust led to a retreat inwards and inactivity when it was needed most in Cambodia, the Balkans, and Rwanda to save hundreds of thousands of innocent people- will be the realization that the United States cannot force its will on others, and the American people and Congress will move away from broader foreign-policy objectives.  The lesson of the Iraq war- which will be lost on the many ideologues who will retain power in this country, and who will be doomed to ignore it- is that the United States must use its power wisely.

On 1/14/07, jerry jordan < > wrote:
I think W's twinkie has a little less cream filling in it than the rest of ours.

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"A hero kills people, people that wish him harm. A hero is part human and part supernatural. A hero is born out of a childhood trauma, or out of a disaster, and must be avenged."- Dwight Schulte, "The Office"

"A hero kills people, people that wish him harm. A hero is part human and part supernatural. A hero is born out of a childhood trauma, or out of a disaster, and must be avenged."- Dwight Schulte, "The Office"

"A hero kills people, people that wish him harm. A hero is part human and part supernatural. A hero is born out of a childhood trauma, or out of a disaster, and must be avenged."- Dwight Schulte, "The Office"

"A hero kills people, people that wish him harm. A hero is part human and part supernatural. A hero is born out of a childhood trauma, or out of a disaster, and must be avenged."- Dwight Schulte, "The Office"

"A hero kills people, people that wish him harm. A hero is part human and part supernatural. A hero is born out of a childhood trauma, or out of a disaster, and must be avenged."- Dwight Schulte, "The Office"
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