How do document this atypical situation with sequelize

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James Pedid

Mar 23, 2019, 4:14:31 PM3/23/19
to JSDoc Users

I'm looking to provide JS docs for a particular implementation of sequelize.

I have a model definition file that looks like this:

export function defineMyModel(sequelize, DataTypes) {
const attributes = { model attributes};
const options = { model options};

  // MyModel is a constructor function  
const MyModel = sequelize.define('MyModel', attributes, options);

MyModel.staticMethod = function staticMethod() {...};

MyModel.prototype.instanceMethod = function instanceMethod() { ... };

Sequelize has a concept of a Model and an Instance. At an interface level, they are separate entities. At an implementation level, an Instance is an instance of the Model.

I need to document this so that there are two types: MyModel and MyModelInstance. MyModel extends the sequelize Model interface, and MyModelInstance extends the sequelize Instance interface.

When I annotate 
 *  @module MyModule

export function defineMyModel(sequelize, DataTypes) {
const attributes = { model attributes};
const options = { model options};

   *  @class MyModel
   *  @extends SequelizeModel
   *  @class MyModelInstance
   *  @extends SequelizeInstance
const MyModel = sequelize.define('MyModel', attributes, options);

   *  @memberof MyModel
   *  @instance

MyModel.staticMethod = function staticMethod() {...};

   *  @memberof MyModelInstance
   *  @instance

MyModel.prototype.instanceMethod = function instanceMethod() { ... };

Nothing is showing up in the updated logs.

Can anyone advise how to achieve the documentation I'm looking for?
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