Dear All,
I am Bhavye Jain, an undergraduate computer science student at the Indian Institute of Technology (Roorkee) in India. I have recently completed my sophomore year, and I am participating in the Google Summer of Code, 2019, under the organization National Resource for Network Biology (NRNB).
My project for this summer is "Validation of Spatial Systems Biology Models in Java(TM)." This project is being mentored by Nicolas Rodriguez, Thomas M. Hamm, and Andreas Dräger.
The JSBML offline validator is a self-contained SBML validation facility which checks syntax and internal consistency of the SBML file. My project aims to improve this facility by building the validation constraints required to validate SBML models that use a spatial component. Currently, the offline validator is incomplete and not suitable for production use. Validation rules for spatial are taken from the latest specification of the package.
For details on the project, consider reading my proposal for GSoC 2019. The URLs for my project proposal, blog, and the GitHub repository are provided below:
Project Proposal:
GitHub repository:
Thank You.
Bhavye Jain
B.Tech Student
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee