Dear users of JSBML,
With this, we are announcing the stable release of JSBML version 1.6.1, which is now available for download from and at MavenCentral. It comprises the two previously published snapshot releases, version 1.6 and version 1.6.1ɑ.
To access this version of JSBML via Maven, please use:
When using JSBML, please cite:☞ Rodriguez N., Thomas A., Watanabe L., Vazirabad I.Y., Kofia V.
et al. JSBML 1.0: providing a smorgasbord of options to encode systems biology models. Bioinformatics (2015), 31(20):3383–3386.
New Features- biojava-ontology was bumped to version 6.0.4.
- Convenient features, such as quick check for the presence of any specific SBase extension
- Improvements to the documentation (JavaDoc, users' guide, and the project's README file)
- Broader coverage of the offline validation capability
- Improved support for constraint-based modeling in the ModelBuilder: automatic creation of common unit definition objects.
Bug Fixes- Update the dependency to log4j to version 2.17.0 after the announcement of a major security issue in the previous version.
- JSBML core does no longer have dependencies to any of the packages
- Preventing ASTNode.astNodeToTree from recursive calls
- Correction of wrong comparisons with == where .equals() needs to be called for String comparison
- Fixed Incorrect usage of model annotation
- Fixed return type of createRenderCubicBezier method to RenderCubicBezier Thanks to @eikept for this fix!
- Fixed incorrect unit derivation. Thanks to @eikept for this analysis!
Thank you for using JSBML.
Your JSBML developers team