Maven Integration

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Nathan Redding

Mar 1, 2013, 2:01:11 PM3/1/13
Hello all,

I recently took over maintenance of the jstd-maven-plugin, located here:, For anyone using this plugin or who has seen this plugin, but decided not to use it because it wasn't being maintained, please take note that there is a new version out there! The new version has a few usability improvements and, most importantly, updates the JS Test Driver version used to the latest, 1.3.5. It can now be downloaded from Maven Central!

I also wanted to let everyone know that JS Test Driver itself has been put on Maven Central now, although it would allow better control over dependencies and such if JS Test Driver itself were Mavenized better. I actually went through the process of doing so myself, (see if you are interested), but I have been unable to get any traction from the JS Test Driver maintainers in merging in any of these changes.

So, I wanted to gauge the interest in this group of having a true Maven version of JS Test Driver. Maybe if we all show enough interest, we can get some traction on it!!



Mar 2, 2013, 1:00:51 PM3/2/13
Hello Nathan, all,

Good to hear someone's taking over. I find it actually quite strange that JsTestDriver has no better maven support, don't know how folks use it in their builds. We'd like to integrate JsTestDriver unit testing in our build chain, aside regular Java, selenium etc. The jstd-maven-plugin appeared to be the only (half baked) solution we found. That's unfortunate cause we think JsTestDriver is damn cool, but today it doesn't really play nice with maven...  
We managed to use 1.3.5 by just changing the deps of the plugin (no recompile or whatsoever) but yes the plugin definitely need some improvements. 

One thing though, I don't see why you need to change JsTestDriver itself in order to wrap it in the mvn plugin ?

Anyway that's good news, thanks ! I'll try to provide at least some feedback if I can. 



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Nathan Redding

Mar 2, 2013, 7:02:52 PM3/2/13
Hello Remi,

Thanks for the feedback. First off, I'd like to say if you have any suggestions for improving the plugin, please let me know!

As for JS Test Driver itself, it definitely does not need to have Maven support as has already been proven by the fact that it works as-is today. One of the problems people have had with JS Test Driver not being Mavenized is you are more limited as to what libraries JS Test Driver itself uses when resolving conflicts. Normally, you can tell Maven to exclude dependencies if there is a conflict, but as of now we aren't able to do so as they are folded into one monolithic JS Test Driver jar file. Again, there are potential ways to work around this, but, in a Maven environment, everything just seems to work together better if it follows the same conventions.

Thanks again, I hope you find use in the updated plugin!

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