Multipart Upload with iframe transport

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Mark Kennedy

Aug 22, 2013, 2:48:14 PM8/22/13

I can't seem to find the answer to this on any wikis. I'm using jQuery FileUpload plugin to upload fairly large 8gb iso files. It works fine once I enable chunking in chrome. I can see each of the 10mb chunks adding to the size of the file on the destination directory. However when I use internet explorer, I can't see the file size incrementing.

Does this mean that the iframe transport plugin, although it allows file uploads to work in IE, doesn't allow chunking of the files into parts.

Its just that I am seeing issues when php is trying to write massive 8gb files in one go, the chunking works around this nicely for me in chrome / firefox so would love if it was possible with IE and iframe transport.

Is it possible to chunk with iframe transport in IE?



May 23, 2016, 1:49:46 PM5/23/16
to jQuery-File-Upload
Hi Mark,
I am also trying to find solution for Chunking using Jquery FileUoload in IE 8 & 9. It works fine in other latest browsers. Do you know if anyone replied to your query for the same? If so, can you pls share the resolution.



Jun 4, 2016, 1:50:51 PM6/4/16
to jQuery-File-Upload
Looks like this project is dead. It's not possible to get any support, not here, not on stackoverlow and similar websitres.

I spent several months trying to understand why cookies does not work with crossdomain uploads and Cloudflare. Now I have an answer but ... now I will spend months trying to understand why iframe transport just does not work at all and there are no errors in the console.

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