This is a vote to re-elect Anne-Gaelle Colom to the jQuery Foundation Board of Directors, with a 3-year term beginning November 1, 2014.
There are 13 members of the board and one excused/conflicted for this vote. This vote will pass if there are seven or more votes in the affirmative.
Voting Rules:
For a vote to occur there needs to be a motion made for a vote (by a board member) and must be seconded by two other board members. Alternatively, an expedited vote can be called by request if the motion is seconded by one-third of the board. The vote will be posted to the public jQuery board mailing list. Ideally the project leader will publish the vote but in his absence it can be posted by another team member. If this message is being read on a vote on the public jQuery board mailing list then a motion has already been made and seconded by two board members.
For a vote to be determined, a majority of all eligible board members able to vote must vote in the affirmative. A vote is placed by responding to this mailing list message with a '+1' (affirmative) or '-1' (negative) indicator. 48 hours after the vote has been called the vote will be closed. If at the close of the vote a majority of eligible board members have not voted in the affirmative then the vote fails.