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Drop FF2 ARIA support from jQuery UI?

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Jörn Zaefferer

Jan 20, 2010, 1:07:24 PM1/20/10
to jquery-a11y

jQuery UI currently has some extra stuff happening to support ARIA in Firefox 2. We're wondering if that still makes sense - if no one is using FF2 anymore in that context, we could just drop it now.


Hans Hillen

Feb 16, 2010, 7:24:34 PM2/16/10
to jQuery Accessibility
I personally feel it can be left out. Anybody interested in the
benefits of ARIA should really upgrade to the latest release. FF2's
ARIA syntax is deprecated, and it's ARIA support limited. Even if
someone was still using this browser, jQuery widgets might correctly
expose ARIA but most other ARIA enabled sites wouldn't (as everybody
is using the new syntax these days).

Unless backwards compatibility is a huge requirement, I think it's
reasonable to expect users to run at least FF3 for ARIA support.
That's just my opinion of course.


On Jan 21, 7:07 am, Jörn Zaefferer <>

E.J. Zufelt

Feb 16, 2010, 8:22:10 PM2/16/10
Good evening Hans,

I am normally a proponent of backwards compatibility in software.  However, as far as ARIA support in FF2 I would agree with you.  FF2 implements a broken and partially deprocated standard and is almost certainly not going to appreciably improve the experience of users.

Everett Zufelt
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David Bolter

Feb 16, 2010, 8:50:03 PM2/16/10
Sorry all I thought I replied to J�rn a while back but apparently not. I
agree it can be left out. Firefox users tend to upgrade pretty quick and
there are not many still using FF 2.0, which was a pioneering
implementation of earlier ARIA drafts.


On 16/02/10 7:24 PM, Hans Hillen wrote:
> I personally feel it can be left out. Anybody interested in the
> benefits of ARIA should really upgrade to the latest release. FF2's
> ARIA syntax is deprecated, and it's ARIA support limited. Even if
> someone was still using this browser, jQuery widgets might correctly
> expose ARIA but most other ARIA enabled sites wouldn't (as everybody
> is using the new syntax these days).
> Unless backwards compatibility is a huge requirement, I think it's
> reasonable to expect users to run at least FF3 for ARIA support.
> That's just my opinion of course.
> Hans

> On Jan 21, 7:07 am, J�rn Zaefferer<>

> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> jQuery UI currently has some extra stuff happening to support ARIA in
>> Firefox 2. We're wondering if that still makes sense - if no one is using
>> FF2 anymore in that context, we could just drop it now.

>> J�rn

Scott González

Feb 16, 2010, 9:11:14 PM2/16/10
Thanks for the feedback everyone. We did drop the FF2 ARIA support for 1.8 based on a reply from David a while ago (he accidentally replied just to Jörn).

On Tue, Feb 16, 2010 at 8:50 PM, David Bolter <> wrote:
Sorry all I thought I replied to Jörn a while back but apparently not. I agree it can be left out. Firefox users tend to upgrade pretty quick and there are not many still using FF 2.0, which was a pioneering implementation of earlier ARIA drafts.


On 16/02/10 7:24 PM, Hans Hillen wrote:
I personally feel it can be left out. Anybody interested in the
benefits of ARIA should really upgrade to the latest release. FF2's
ARIA syntax is deprecated, and it's ARIA support limited. Even if
someone was still using this browser, jQuery widgets might correctly
expose ARIA but most other ARIA enabled sites wouldn't (as everybody
is using the new syntax these days).

Unless backwards compatibility is a huge requirement, I think it's
reasonable to expect users to run at least FF3 for ARIA support.
That's just my opinion of course.


On Jan 21, 7:07 am, Jörn Zaefferer<>

jQuery UI currently has some extra stuff happening to support ARIA in
Firefox 2. We're wondering if that still makes sense - if no one is using
FF2 anymore in that context, we could just drop it now.

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