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See shortcuts is undefined when using custom highlighter / rollover tooltips and I can't hideZero (JsFiddle attached) REWARD!

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Nathan Smith

May 7, 2018, 3:50:38 PM5/7/18
to jqplot-users
Hi all, not sure if this is a bug but I've been trying to figure this out on my own for the past two weeks and figured it's time to start begging for help... :-\


Basically this is a dumbed down version of a chart I'm working on. I need the right-most dot's rollover to work. But it doesn't.

Now if I put a 0 instead of a (null) as the first point in the dataset (lines 49 and 67), it works. But then I can't hide the zeros using hideZeros: true.

Any help would be greeeatly appreciated. I'd be happy to PayPal you a cup of coffee if you can figure this out for me!
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