Field 52 PIN Data

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Pasha Mulenga

May 10, 2024, 2:14:45 PMMay 10
to jPOS Users
Hello all,

Anyone can provide advise on how I can configure transaction manager  to drop field 52 PIN Data in a 0100 transaction message before forwarding it upstream?

Alejandro Revilla

May 10, 2024, 3:36:22 PMMay 10

At any participant, or any ISOFilter, you can just call m.unset(52).

On Fri, May 10, 2024 at 3:14 PM Pasha Mulenga <> wrote:
Hello all,

Anyone can provide advise on how I can configure transaction manager  to drop field 52 PIN Data in a 0100 transaction message before forwarding it upstream?

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Pasha Mulenga

May 14, 2024, 4:03:42 AMMay 14
to jPOS Users
Thanks Alejandro, could you explain in a bit more detail. I'm kind of new to this.

Mark Salter

May 14, 2024, 4:06:05 AMMay 14

Follow the guidance supplied in conjunction with the programmers guide.


Sent from Proton Mail Android

-------- Original Message --------

Alejandro Revilla

May 14, 2024, 5:39:36 PMMay 14
When I say "drop field 52" I mean calling 'm.unset(52)', provided that `m` is a Java variable that has a reference to your ISOMsg instance.

murtuza chhil

May 14, 2024, 9:55:03 PMMay 14
to jPOS Users
You have a ISOMsg.
You put it in the context object of the transaction manager.
This context travels through all your participants, which can add, remove, update things in it.
The message that you want to send out is also in the transaction manager context.
Have a participant get the message out of the context and update the message by using the iso message's unset for the field you want to unset.
Now the context has the updated message.
The participants ahead of this will see the updated message.
Whoever sends this message upstream will send it without the field.

ISOFilter works at the channel level, you implement a filter that unsets the field.
Add the configuration for the filter inside the channel that talks to upstream.
When the channel sends the message, the filter is called and the output of the filter is sent out.


Andrés Alcarraz

May 14, 2024, 10:08:40 PMMay 14
to jPOS Users
If you want a no brainer, and want to unset field 52 from all outgoing messages, just add a MacroFilter to the channel as an outgoing filter.

Something like this:

<filter class="org.jpos.iso...MacroFiltet" direction="outgoing">
    <property name="unset" value="52"/>

But I strongly suggest you learn more and do it by code, because you will most probably have tons of other functional requirements to fulfill that will require more logic, an you have to get used to implement it. So follow Alejandro' and Mark suggestions and read the available documentation on how to do it.

Enviado desde mi móvil, disculpas por la brevedad.

Sent from my cellphone, I apologize for the brevity.

Andrés Alcarraz.

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