Context jpos null

瀏覽次數:24 次

2022年12月14日 清晨7:39:032022/12/14
收件者:jPOS Users
Hi everyone

I use jpos in Banking project.
Sometimes the jpos context becomes null
I register transaction in jpos contex, therfore I miss transaction

This happens sometimes and not always.
public abstract class ContextBase extends org.jpos.transaction.Context 

//region Constants
private static final long serialVersionUID = 7527289953970401520L;

protected final Request request;
protected final Response response;
//endregion Constants

//region Fields

private Direction direction;
private InteractionPoint interactionPoint;
private MessageFunctionIndicator functionIndicator;

private TransactionUniqueType transactionUniqueType;

private Object requestTransaction;

//endregion Fields

//region Constructor

public ContextBase() {
request = initialRequest();
response = initialResponse();

Alejandro Revilla

2022年12月14日 上午8:22:402022/12/14
Based on the code you shared, I don't think it's possible to provide any reasonable answer.

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murtuza chhil

2022年12月14日 晚上9:16:032022/12/14
收件者:jPOS Users

What are you doing with your "custom"  ContextBase? using it in place of the jpos Context?

The Context that jpos provides and uses has to be Serializable. The txn mgr I believe uses this to save the context when stopping and reads it when starting (I don't know if its related to your problem, but there is not much else I can determine from your post).


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