Both your requests are not possible.
The automatic play on mobile devices has been disabled by the iOS and Android OS to avoid data charges. Otherwise it is easy for you to waste your bandwidth allowance when you did not even listen to the media. The user must click play, or a button that causes play to fire.
The automatic full screen is illegal on ALL browsers! Otherwise every criminal out there would try and get you password details out of you by making a mock up full screen of your windows login or bank login screen or load of other phishing possibilities that i am not evil enough to dream up.
The best you can do it... Like those annoying popups, when the user toughes the page - screen in mobile case - the play event is sent to the player.
And likewise, you can do similar with the full screen mode... When you capture the touch, send the play and tell jPlayer to go full screen.
This demo will drive you nuts while you read the instructions... I call it karma :P also: suggest that your mobile app has a big play button in the center of the screen.... Then they press it and it goes full screen and starts playing.