m4a does not work in firefox?

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Vincent Senese

Apr 1, 2011, 3:47:15 PM4/1/11
to jPlayer: HTML5 Audio & Video for jQuery
I have tested witht he demo file and jplayer does play, but it is
playing the oga file. I cannot get it to play the m4a

Anyone have any idea's on what can be done to rectify this?


George Lee

Apr 1, 2011, 4:05:19 PM4/1/11
to jpl...@googlegroups.com, jPlayer: HTML5 Audio & Video for jQuery
Firefox does not support AAC.

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Greg DiCenzo

Apr 1, 2011, 3:51:39 PM4/1/11
to jpl...@googlegroups.com

I will let the authorities have the last word but I believe that is correct behavior. The ogg/ogv/oga files are there for browsers that can not play the mp4/m4/m4a files natively (Safari). So, Firefox and Chrome and others will play the ogg file.

You can try not supplying the oga - also leaving out the code for the oga - and, given the platform, Firefox may be able to play it (depending on the presence of QT plugins, etc). But, you can't predict what all Firefox installs will be able to do,


Vincent Senese

Apr 1, 2011, 4:48:19 PM4/1/11
to jPlayer: HTML5 Audio & Video for jQuery
Thanks for the help!

Since I'm apparently good at asking fairly dumb questions today, I
have a follow-up.

I am limited to m4a files as they are not my own (They are preview
audio files from an API I amreturing information from)

Is there anyway to play these files from within mozilla, or does
anyone have a sugestion since i do not have the luxury of ogg files?

Greg DiCenzo

Apr 1, 2011, 5:00:26 PM4/1/11
to jpl...@googlegroups.com
On Fri, Apr 1, 2011 at 2:48 PM, Vincent Senese <vsene...@gmail.com> wrote:
I am limited to m4a files as they are not my own (They are preview
audio files from an API I amreturing information from)

Is there anyway to play these files from within mozilla, or does
anyone have a sugestion since i do not have the luxury of ogg files?

Go to FireFogg.org in your Firefox browser and install the "plugin" that is recommended upon landing on that page. Restart and try encoding an ogg/ogv from your m4* file. That's a good start.


Vincent Senese

Apr 1, 2011, 5:36:21 PM4/1/11
to jPlayer: HTML5 Audio & Video for jQuery
Thanks firefogg does allow the browser to play, but here is what I
don't get. Even MP3 files do not play via jplayer with firefox unless
i install firefogg.

Is this normal as well?

I tested on a laptop however running the latest version of MOZILA and
does however play, but in the older mozillas the do not play the aac
or mp3?? I know there is a way to make this work bc if I go to amazon
and click one of their song previews it does play their MP3.

Any ideas?

On Apr 1, 3:00 pm, Greg DiCenzo <gdice...@gmail.com> wrote:

Greg DiCenzo

Apr 1, 2011, 5:48:27 PM4/1/11
to jpl...@googlegroups.com
On Fri, Apr 1, 2011 at 3:36 PM, Vincent Senese <vsene...@gmail.com> wrote:
Thanks firefogg does allow the browser to play, but here is what I
don't get.  Even MP3 files do not play via jplayer with firefox unless
i install firefogg.

Is this normal as well?

I tested on a laptop however running the latest version of MOZILA and
does however play, but in the older mozillas the do not play the aac
or mp3?? I know there is a way to make this work bc if I go to amazon
and click one of their song previews it does play their MP3.

I believe that Amazon is using Flash to play your mp3; the Firefogg page installs " ffmpeg2theora and FFmpeg" as part of the plug-in. I am surprised to hear that it is also a playback tool. However, the browser will select the ogg, ogv, or oga file so don't think that it is playing a mp4, etc.

The firefogg page is for encoding a vid file into an ogg, that is: "make a webVideo" as the page says. So, just go with that. There can be other reasons to get playback of certain files depending on whether or nto you have QT installed, for instance.

The safe thing to do is make your m4v's (or m4a's or whatever you call them) and make your Theora (for Firefox, IE 9 and Chrome) encoded files and test in as many browsers as you can.


Greg DiCenzo

Apr 1, 2011, 6:05:23 PM4/1/11
to jpl...@googlegroups.com
On Fri, Apr 1, 2011 at 2:48 PM, Vincent Senese <vsene...@gmail.com> wrote:

I am limited to m4a files as they are not my own (They are preview
audio files from an API I amreturing information from)

Is there anyway to play these files from within mozilla, or does
anyone have a sugestion since i do not have the luxury of ogg files?

I forgot to say, use "Audacity" - a free download - to convert audio to ogg.

It may complain about your ffmpeg library but see if you can work through or around it.



Apr 4, 2011, 4:01:47 PM4/4/11
to jPlayer: HTML5 Audio & Video for jQuery
Through trial & error, I have jplayer (single & playlist version) now
working in Firefox 3.6.x,
with .m4a (AAC)

Just add -> oggSupport: false,
swfPath: "/js",
supplied: "m4a"

So far I've tested Chrome, FF, IE7 8 9, Safari, Safari Mobile
I only have .m4a files being supplied & no .ogg files at all.
Firefox will call Jplayer.swf to play .m4a, .mp3... the same way IE
has to.

It's probably incorrect according to the jPlayer 2.0 dev guide,
but it works for me so far.

Using this method... there is no need to supply .ogg, just for FF

Mark Panaghiston

Apr 4, 2011, 10:47:23 PM4/4/11
to jpl...@googlegroups.com
oggSupport=false does nothing in jPlayer 2.x.
It is an old command from jPlayer 1.x.

The idea is.. You tell jPlayer what your have supplied and it will play it. You just have to make sure you supply one of the formats supported by the flash solution, ie., MP3 or M4A for audio. M4V for video.

Luckily, iOS plays those ones too.

Best regards,
Mark P.
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