ie9 problem

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Mar 31, 2011, 2:26:57 AM3/31/11
to jPlayer: HTML5 Audio & Video for jQuery
Hi your player does not work on latest ie9 ...

You can check your demo link ....


Apr 4, 2011, 5:16:15 AM4/4/11
to jPlayer: HTML5 Audio & Video for jQuery
Dou you think to upgrade jplayer to work on ie9 ???


Apr 4, 2011, 5:17:48 AM4/4/11
to jPlayer: HTML5 Audio & Video for jQuery
This would definitely be a good thing - I've seen quite a surge in IE9
in my stats.


Apr 4, 2011, 5:40:44 AM4/4/11
to, Jonathan2
Yes, this is a priority for us.

Watch this space. :)


Mark B

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Mark Panaghiston

Apr 4, 2011, 6:15:21 PM4/4/11
to, Jonathan2
I Updated IE9 on a Win 7 SP1 machine and I found that all the demos worked. Both the audio and the video.

I will review again later and look into other reasons why it may be failing. For example, I understand that IE9 may need codecs installed or something like that. Akin to Safari requiring QuickTime for it to be HTML5.

Since IE9 did not work with the flash during testing in Dec 2010 with its beta at the time, the Flash fallback is disabled in IE9 and only the HTML5 solution can work.

Best regards,
Mark P.

Mark Panaghiston

Apr 4, 2011, 10:42:19 PM4/4/11
to, Jonathan2
If you are posting problems on IE9, then please give the following:

1) Your OS.
Windows 7 SP1
Windows XP SP3

2) State the IE9 version.

3) Whether you have QuickTime installed.

Currently, I have not been able to get jPlayer 2.0.0 to fail while on:
Windows 7 SP1, IE9.0.8112.16421

jPlayer was developed to work with IE9 through its beta. As of 20th Dec 2010, it worked on IE9:
Windows 7, IE9 beta. (Latest release at the time.)

Best regards,
Mark P.


Apr 5, 2011, 2:36:26 AM4/5/11
to jPlayer: HTML5 Audio & Video for jQuery
Hi Mark,

1 ) My OS is Win 7 SP1 64 Bit

2) IE9 - 9.0.8112.16421

3) Yes I have quicktime installed..

There is no sound for me ......

On Apr 5, 5:42 am, Mark Panaghiston <>


Apr 5, 2011, 2:45:57 AM4/5/11
to jPlayer: HTML5 Audio & Video for jQuery
Maybe this will help you to understand the problem. The player never
start and this is the screen image of the jplayer inspector when I
press the play button ...

On Apr 5, 5:42 am, Mark Panaghiston <>

Mark Panaghiston

Apr 5, 2011, 1:31:03 PM4/5/11
Thank you Can.

Each browser tends to generate a slightly different set of events, but that error event is the most interesting.

From the spec:

In jPlayer, I do not distinguish between the error event's type. I remember at the time I considered adding the code, but then figured people would wonder why the HTML solution said "You got a number 3 there mate!", while the flash gave no equivalent. Also, what is a 3? (Well, it's on the list, but the error messages already add a fair chunk to jPlayer and I do not want to expand them any more than needed.)

I am curious... The demo that you link would use M4A audio MP4 format files in IE9.
Does the same happen with this demo using MP3 files?

In the meantime, I will consider how best to add that bit of info to the error event / alert.

My gut feeling is that the code generated is not being the usual "4" that is normal for a broken link. After all, the media URLs work for other browsers and you get a bunch of other events occur, like loadstart and then emptied. They do not tend to happen on any browser if the media url is broken. I expect that the code is a "3".

MEDIA_ERR_DECODE (numeric value 3)
An error of some description occurred while decoding the media resource, after the resource was established to be usable.

I know that IE works in a similar way to Safari when it comes to HTML5. They both rely on a plugin to do the dirty work. Safari uses QuickTime. I do not know the on that IE9 requires yet, and QuickTime was a guess. A poor guess I know. Unlikely that IE would rely on QuickTime.

I have another Win 7 machine that I can update IE in. I'll do that at the end of my day today I expect.

Oh, an you highlighted something I missed. The OS of the Win 7 machine that works is 64bit:
Win 7 SP1 64bit.

Best regards,
Mark P.

Apr 22, 2011, 8:06:17 AM4/22/11
to jPlayer: HTML5 Audio & Video for jQuery
Hi Mark,

First of all sorry for delay answer.. I have a huge to do list :))

Same thing on the page that you have send to me ...

Here is the screen shot ..

There is no sound and jplayer even not start .....

On 5 Nisan, 20:31, Mark Panaghiston <>
> Thank you Can.
> Each browser tends to generate a slightly different set of events, but that
> error event is the most interesting.
> From the spec:
> In jPlayer, I do not distinguish between the error event's type. I remember
> at the time I considered adding the code, but then figured people would
> wonder why the HTML solution said "You got a number 3 there mate!", while
> the flash gave no equivalent. Also, what is a 3? (Well, it's on the list,
> but the error messages already add a fair chunk to jPlayer and I do not want
> to expand them any more than needed.)
> I am curious... The demo that you link would use M4A audio MP4 format files
> in IE9.
> Does the same happen with this demo using MP3 files?

Mark Panaghiston

Apr 22, 2011, 8:38:51 AM4/22/11
Hi Can,

I'm sorry, but I do not know the answer.

I now have two Win 7 pcs that have IE9 installed on them. They both work with all of our demos.

You reminded me to add the error code pass-through to the error event. My to do list just grew.

If you do not mind getting your hands dirty, you could write an error event handler that grabbed the error code. It will only work for the tst in hand, but...

$("#jpId").bind($.jPlayer.event.error), function() {
 alert("error code: " + $(this)).data("jPlayer");

Note that is for audio, and is for video... So make sure you pick the right one in this simple test.

The error Spec for HTML5:

I would do the test myself, but my IE9 works fine.

Best regards,
Mark P


Jun 28, 2011, 4:35:51 AM6/28/11
Anyone still having problems, here is a work around. Make this be in your header and it will force IE9 into compat mode for the users so that the flash fallback works

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">

<html xmlns="">


<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=7">

Johannes D

Jul 4, 2011, 4:07:57 AM7/4/11
to jPlayer: HTML5 Audio & Video for jQuery
Hi, I have a multi-instance video player on

Everything works fine except for IE9. I cannot figure out the problem.
The browser tries to load the m4v file, although the inspector tells
me, that the html5 solution is used.
I get the src-files using an ajax-request (jquery) that returns data
as application/json. It cannot be a problem of the files, as it works
with all other browsers (and in IE7/8).
Could anyone have a look at my site?
Thanks a lot.

Johannes D

Jul 4, 2011, 4:11:29 AM7/4/11
to jPlayer: HTML5 Audio & Video for jQuery
Sorry, I forgot. I am using
Win 7, SP 1
IE9: 9.0.8112.16421
Quicktime installed.

Mark Panaghiston

Jul 4, 2011, 10:58:39 AM7/4/11
You must use the correct MIME type for media. Your m4v mime is not set.

Mark Panaghiston

Aug 8, 2012, 1:03:49 PM8/8/12
If IE9 is defaulting to an older IE version, then that suggests that you have something iffy on your page.

Causes can be:
1) DOCTYPE not being on the 1st line of HTML
2) There is an HTML meta tag that can force IE7 comp even on IE9, so check there is nothing like that in your HTML.

jPlayer should work in both modes though... IE9 is probably using the HTML5 solution, whereas IE7-8 would be using the Flash. Check that your swfPath is correct, otherwise the Flash solution cannot be found. Check that your IE flash plugin is recent.

To force the Flash in all browsers use option {solution:"flash,html"} and you'll be able to ensure your swfPath is correct. Then remove it or whatever your preference is for the playback solution. the default is "html,flash".

On Tuesday, 31 July 2012 16:45:22 UTC+1, DP wrote:
Mark, we were just noticing the IE9 issue and just by chance, we changed a couple of settings in IE9 and it started working fine. 

First setting in the browser... called "Document Mode".  It defaults to IE 7 standards.  Switch to IE9 standards and it the player will work.

Second issue we had was we tried to send users to a specific starting point on the audio file and after changing setting "Browser Mode" from IE9 to IE9 Compatibility View, everything started working. 

Obviously this is a fix for a single browser, but is there a way to get it working for other visitors?

Andrew Roberts

Oct 19, 2012, 5:37:30 AM10/19/12
Is there a solution to this issue as this was first reported over a year ago?

To really simplify this issue as much as possible, using the example on the jPlayer website: in IE9, setting document standards to anything other than IE9 Standards causes the video to not play.

I have tried forcing a flash solution over HTML, and this has not helped.

Also, when using IE9, and older document standards, the body.onload event does not fire, the loading circle turns forever.

At a guess, it would seem to be more a problem with Flash, than jPlayer - but JWPlayers Flash does work in this mode.
Its acting like IE9 can not load a resource file (although the network monitor suggests it has loaded everything) so I am wondering if Flash has a ready state, and IE9 will not fire the body.onload event until this ready state is set. I don't know very much about the internals of Flash, and this is only a guess. However, if JWPlayers swf does not suffer this issue, there may be a way to fix this.

Unfortunately, due to styling issues, we need to continue using IE7 Standards on many of our websites.

Many thanks for any suggestions.

Mark Panaghiston

Oct 19, 2012, 1:00:41 PM10/19/12
I reviewed the issue... Since I had ensured that the Flash and jPlayer worked fine on IE6/7/8/9 browsers. (This is where the browser mode and document mode match.)

The problem is with using IE9, but then forcing the old IE7 document mode. The browser sniffer detects IE9 and uses that way of inserting the Flash, whereas IE7 requires a different method of insertion.

The only solution I can suggest for your situation is to use IE version dependant CSS rather than forcing IE9 into ghetto mode. For example, the site has some extra CSS rules for IE6, which override the default CSS.

<!--[if IE 6]>
<link href="/css/ie6.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />

I will take a note of this problem though. I may have missed the significance of the IE9, but IE7/8 document mode previously.
This is one of the reasons why browser sniffing is to be avoided and feature detection is the way to go.

The Flash insertion code is based on swfObject 2.2 so I will need to review that for updates and errors that I might have made with the old browser support.

Andrew Roberts

Oct 23, 2012, 4:21:57 AM10/23/12

I have debugged through the jPlayer source code and have found a point at which an issue occurs.

The issue occurs when using thr IE9 browser (with the IE9 useragent) and using IE7 Standards. The way flash is added to the page depends on the browser (IE <= 8, or any other browser). Since the distinction of the browser is made based on the user agent string (IE9) it uses the 'other browser' method of putting the flash onto the page, This method is not compatible with IE8 and IE7 standards - therefore it fails at this point because the user agent does not reflect the document mode.

I have resolved this issue by simply removing the version checker, so if using IE, do it the IE way, otherwise do it the other way. I have not tested this is IE10.

Would it be possible to either include this fix, or a better fix (where the page document standards mode is read and a decision made from there) in the next release.
This will save me the problem of having to make this change on every future upgrade, and may also benefit other jPlayer users.

Many thanks.

If anything is not clear, please do contact me.

Many thanks for making such an awesome player!
(And for making the code so easy to understand)

Mark Panaghiston

Oct 23, 2012, 10:08:40 AM10/23/12
Yes I understood. It was what I had said in my 2nd paragraph... But you did explain it much better :D

I have not reviewed your solution yet, but I was under the impression that IE9 failed to insert the Flash using the old IE6/7/8 method. It raised an exception, as the DOM method should not be used in that way and was not part of a w3c spec.

The document.createElement("<tons of html stuff and whatnot><and some other stuff>") failed in IE9, as the command should be used to create a single element.

Maybe what you saw was that IE9 (in IE9 document mode) still worked because it was using the HTML solution rather than the IE6/7/8 Flash insertion code.

I'll need to look into the proprietary method of reading the IE document mode. I imagine there is a mechanism for this information to be read.

Mark Panaghiston

Oct 23, 2012, 10:11:15 AM10/23/12
Well that seems painless:

I'll look into adding it to the next development update.

Andrew Roberts

Oct 23, 2012, 10:29:08 AM10/23/12
Yes that is quite straight forward!

And I never noticed the effect of IE9 document mode in IE9 (after my fix) since it was falling back to HTML5, (presumably it would only attempt to use Flash on IE9 if Flash was the preferred solution).

Many thanks.

Mark Panaghiston

Oct 24, 2012, 12:57:49 PM10/24/12
I have developed a fix for this issue and plan to push to github this evening after some more testing.

One thing that seems a little odd in the IE9 dev tools though is that you can set, for example, a browser mode of IE7 and a document mode of IE9. My fix fails to work with that case... However, that is like asking IE7 to run in IE9 mode, which seems total (and complete) nonsense to me.

The dev tools do not have a time machine so that I can test IE42... So it seems peculiar that I can test the IE7 browser with the document interpreted as IE9.

What are your thoughts on the matter?
All welcome and encouraged to comment here as maybe I'm missing the point.

Incidentally, I am also testing that the following works in IE9, which was what started this all off:
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=EmulateIE7" />

Mark Panaghiston

Oct 24, 2012, 2:21:30 PM10/24/12
Fix pushed to GitHub. jPlayer 2.2.7

Andrew Roberts

Oct 25, 2012, 5:51:49 AM10/25/12
As far as I understand, running a higher 'Document mode' in an older browser will mean the browser interprets it as the 'newest version it supports'.
Since the browser mode seems to control only the user agent, and the standards control only which of IEs rendering engines is used, the first is fairly irrelevant, and the latter is more important.
So this would be like IE7 telling the server its user agent is IE9, but rendering in IE7 standards mode - crazy, but would probably not fail catastrophically.
I am unfamiliar with your development environment, am I able to test the current fix you have placed on github? Or is this only for your developers?
"a browser mode of IE7 and a document mode of IE9. My fix fails to work with that case"
There will be cases where we have chosen IE8 standards for a website, but expect it to run in IE7 (and IE6 for that matter). Again, I understand the rendering engine is the most important thing, not the user agent the browser 'claims' to be (which can be anything!)
This may also fix issues if someone set their FireFox user agent to something bizarre (like IE) - I know some people do this to make old IE apps work correctly - although have no examples here of that.
Many thanks again.

Mark Panaghiston

Oct 25, 2012, 2:09:46 PM10/25/12
The github link is on the homepage:

It is public and anyone can clone it, fork it, download it and so on.

I really need to go through the issues there, as most of them are really support requests. Have merged some of the pull requests recently though.

WRT the IE modes... I am talking about the developer tools in IE9. Press F12 or open them via the cog icon menu. In the tool you may select the explicit modes I was talking about. Browser mode and document mode.
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