[greenclub] FW: 2016 JPL Average Vehicle Ridership Survey

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Klemm, Roger W (348E)

May 16, 2016, 2:07:29 PM5/16/16
to greenclub
For those who drive electric (and are not on the ev charging email list), note there is an option “U. Electric Vehicle / Zero Emission Vehicle”. I carpool, so didn’t even think to scroll down to check if there was an EV option, until I talked with John Miranda recently. 

I’d like to encourage everyone who drives electric to check option “U", so John Miranda can get a better count of how many EV’s are actually driving on Lab. Last year there were only 33 EV’s in the AVR survey – and I know even a year ago, there were more than that number of EV’s on Lab (there are 130+ on the list I keep, and I know there are more who drive electric and aren’t on my list). 


From: "Goettel, Marc J (2000)" <Marc.J....@jpl.nasa.gov>
Date: Friday, May 13, 2016 at 6:21 PM
To: "all.em...@list.jpl.nasa.gov" <all.em...@list.jpl.nasa.gov>
Subject: 2016 JPL Average Vehicle Ridership Survey



May 13, 2016


MJG; 16-879




TO:                  All Personnel


FROM:            Marc Goettel


SUBJECT:      South Coast Air Quality Management District

                        Mandatory Ridesharing Survey




As part of JPL’s Trip Reduction Plan, the South Coast Air Quality Management District mandates that JPL complete an annual survey to determine the Laboratory’s Average Vehicle Ridership (AVR). As always, our goal is to have 100% participation in the completion and return of the survey.


The Rideshare Office will provide an online survey found at http://avr.jpl.nasa.gov/.  Employees not having easy access to a computer may submit a paper survey obtained by phoning the Rideshare Office at 4-RIDE.


By clicking on the link above, employees are requested to provide information reflecting their mode of transportation to the Laboratory during the week of May 9-13, 2016. Surveys must be submitted before June 24, 2016.  Unreturned surveys are detrimental to the Laboratory’s program and can negatively influence the AQMD’s review of our plan, so I urge you to respond if at all possible.


JPL’s Rideshare Program is moving forward with the continued use of promotional transit with Gold Line light rail, METRO and Foothill Transit, Metrolink, carpooling, vanpooling, walking, and bicycle commuting. The effort to reduce solo driving is ongoing. If you would like information on carpools, vanpools, or incentives for using alternate transportation, call the JPL Rideshare Administrator, John Miranda at 4-7433.


Your continuing support of the Rideshare Program is appreciated.


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