Some picture thumbnails aren't displayed etc.

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May 24, 2012, 1:56:04 PM5/24/12
to JPhotoTagger Users English

One of my picture folders has the following problem. Some of the image
files don't display thumbnails at all! I don't know what is causing
this. I have tried to select these files and then right click -->
Refresh --> Update thumbnail. This doesn't seem to have effect. (I was
actually able to display one thumbnail by this method :P )

I have also chosen menu: File --> Database... --> Update -tab --> 3.
Update all Thumbnails, but this didn't help. It probably recreated all
previously created thumbnails but didn't display thumbnails for the
files mentioned above.

UPDATE: All missing thumbnails got created, when I changed the sorting
order of thumnails. I don't know why, but it solved the problem.
One .TIF file still doesn't have thumbnail displayed, but it is
probably because of unsupported TIF format.

One little question still however:

At the bottom right corner of JPhotoTagger's User Interface (=UI),
there is a "blue progress bar". For some reason this progress bar
seems to halt at about 80-90% displaying text "Updating Database". Is
this some kind of bug? I have restarted Windows and JPhotoTagger
several times.

I have also tried to cancel this process by pushing little "stop"
button on the right hand side of progress bar, but it doesn't seem to
have any other effect than stop button gets inactive. Blue progress
bar is still halted at 80-90%.



Elmar Baumann

May 24, 2012, 2:49:00 PM5/24/12
to, Polarbeer
On 24.05.2012 19:56, Polarbeer wrote:
> At the bottom right corner of JPhotoTagger's User Interface (=UI),
> there is a "blue progress bar". For some reason this progress bar
> seems to halt at about 80-90% displaying text "Updating Database". Is
> this some kind of bug? I have restarted Windows and JPhotoTagger
> several times.

This message will be displayed while updating metadata in the database
if required (newer file modification date than last *successful*
update). Metadata is EXIF, XMP and thumbnail of an image. If the
progressbar stops, scanning one of these (EXIF, XMP, thumbnail) leads to
an error. Usually this is an external thumbnail creating program,
JPhotoTagger waits for a timeout to retrieve the metadata of the next
image (Edit > Settings > Performance: Maximum time in seconds to wait
before terminating external thumbnail creation program).

To be more precise, I need the log file with all messages, the location
will be displayed when opening "Window > Logfile with all messages".
Detected errors are displayed through "Window > Error Logfile" and near
the progress bar a red error label appears (klick opens the error
logfile and hides the red label until the next error occurs).

> I have also tried to cancel this process by pushing little "stop"
> button on the right hand side of progress bar, but it doesn't seem to
> have any other effect than stop button gets inactive. Blue progress
> bar is still halted at 80-90%.

If a specific image leads to this error, I can try that on my computer
(need that file).


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