Feat. req. - Deleting all files with identical base name

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Feb 28, 2012, 1:52:25 PM2/28/12
to JPhotoTagger Users English

I just got my project of cataloging our family photos and videos
nicely started with JPhotoTagger. When browsing through my media
files, I got a feature idea, that would help me, when deleting video
clips with JPhotoTagger.

For every single video clip my hard disk holds 2 files:

- video001.m2ts (The actual video file)
- video001.cpi (Clip info file, that is recommended to be saved
"for the future". I've also read somewhere that my Panasonic camera
wouldn't save anything useful in these small cpi-files. However I have
decided to save them, because they are so small in size and I haven't
read any official info about their "value".)

In addition to these 2 files, my video folder holds of course an XMP
sidecar, if I have already cataloged the video with JPT.
- video001.m2ts.xmp (I use long XMP file naming option, because I'm
JPG+RAW shooter and wan't every media file to have their own sidecar

When browsing through my videos I (often) find video clips, that are
not needed, so I want to delete them permanently from my hard disk. So
when I push DEL button in JPT, m2ts and XMP files are both deleted.
However the small CPI file is left on the harddisk.

So it would be helpful, if user could somehow tell JPT, that also
other files with the same base name (here "video001") should be
deleted, when deleting the main media file and its XMP sidecar.

Just a thought, that would make the extra step of finding and deleting
the leftover CPI file unnecessary!

My five cents...


Elmar Baumann

Feb 28, 2012, 5:57:55 PM2/28/12
to jphototagger-...@googlegroups.com, Polarbeer
Hello Polarbeer,

Version 0.23.0 has this option: Edit > Settings > Miscellaneous > File
Hooks > JPhotoTagger Actions




Feb 29, 2012, 10:13:18 AM2/29/12
to JPhotoTagger Users English
On 29 helmi, 00:57, Elmar Baumann <e...@elmar-baumann.de> wrote:
> Hello Polarbeer,
> Version 0.23.0 has this option: Edit > Settings > Miscellaneous > File
> Hooks > JPhotoTagger Actions
> Regards,
> Elmar

Hi Elmar!

Really cool, you are super fast to make improvements! This really
makes my life a bit easier. Thanks!

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