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popcorn-style davenning tonight

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Darya Mattes

May 16, 2014, 11:36:43 AM5/16/14
to JP Shabbat
hi everyone,

At JP Shabbat tonight, we will be davenning popcorn-style. This does not mean there will be snacks. :) Rather, different people will each lead* one (or several) pieces of the service, rather than anyone leading all of kabbalat Shabbat or ma'ariv. If you (like me) are reluctant to lead an entire service, this is a great way to lead just one thing or introduce a melody you really like without having to commit to Being In Charge. (No one is in charge! Or we all are...)

I would encourage everyone who's planning to be there to sign up for a piece or two on this Google doc.

Thanks for playing along. :) Looking forward to seeing you tonight!


*"Leading" can mean starting a tune off, offering an introduction or reflection or alternate reading or interpretation, introducing a tune to just one piece of the psalm/blessing/prayer you sign up to lead -- whatever you're excited to do is welcome.
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