Points sent for discussion at AGM on 15-12-2012

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Anil Bakshi, Personnel Search Associates

Dec 12, 2012, 6:00:38 AM12/12/12
to stjosep...@googlegroups.com, St. Joseph's Academy Alumini

Dated : 11th Dec 2012


The Secretary

SJA Alumni Association

12, Rajpur Road

Dehra Dun


                                                                Sub : Points for discussion in the AGM on 15th Dec 2012


Dear Mr. Chandhok,


I have gone through a very well drafted AGM notice and would like to congratulate you on such a herculean task, done in an extremely professional manner.

I however have a few points to be discussed in the AGM – 2012 on the following topics

1.       Election Bye-laws

2.       Postal Ballot

3.       Cessation of Membership

4.       Proposed Chapters of the Association

5.       Procedure of raising points at the AGM





Election BYE LAWS point no.4  “The criteria for minimum tenure as MC member shall not  be applicable for 1st Election to be held in December 2011”, needs some clarifications

It was proposed and passed as “for the first and second elections” earlier. 
If the Criteria of minimum tenure as mentioned is adopted, would it mean that in the election of 2013 , the current  MC members can only contest for the 5 senior positions
The 5 senior already elected MC members will / can change their positions between themselves and contest,
and so for future elections of the above also ,only members who have completed more than 15 yrs can contest for the position of president, Hence, further limiting the scope of contestants. Similarly for the position of “V.P Outstation”, there will be no outstation member contesting as the current “V.P Outstation” would be serving a cooling off period and there are no other outstation members on the MC. In fact for the post of “VP Outstation” the limitations should be waived off.


1)            In point 4 (b)  – Please note that the reservation for women candidate was passed in the last AGM 2011 as One Senior and one junior category reserved (i.e. 10 yrs plus and less than 10 yrs) The current proposed amendment states that 2 women candidates  seats are reserved without any clear clarification on the same. The Minutes of the meeting of Second AGM are as mentioned :

The Coordinator read item no. 6 of the Agenda – “To amend Clause 7 (2)(a) of the Rules and Regulation of the Association and substitute the same to be read as under: “Formation: The Managing Committee of the Association shall consist of a President, two Vice Presidents, Secretary, Treasurer, four Senior Members and three other Members. Total 12 Members. One seat each shall be reserved for women candidates in the Senior Members category and other Members Category respectively; however in the event of women candidates not filing valid nominations, male members may be elected to fill in the vacancy in the respective category(ies).”

Mr. Sanjay Bhutani proposed that the amendment of clause 7(2) (a) be accepted as proposed in the AGM notice which was seconded by Mr. Kapil Arora. The house by a majority of voice votes accepted the proposed motion. Accordingly clause 7(2) (a) stands amended and substituted in the Rules & regulations as proposed in the notice of the AGM.”


Please clarify if you are removing the seniority clause. If so, I would propose to continue with the old clause.


B)      Postal Ballot

The points related to postal ballots are all correct as to my knowledge, I am looking forward to the MC accepting a resolution for accepting and implementing E-VOTING for the next general elections and elections at the chapters. This is a forward looking step,  in the interest of Alumni settled outside Doon and even for those although residing in Doon ,  but are not able to make it to the elections personally. I don’t think I need to list the advantages of e-voting  as they are known to all.


C) Cessation of membership


Proposal to  increase the limit for cessation of membership for non payment of dues from 3 to 5 yrs
I do not support this move for the following reasons :

a)      It is an injustice to paying members of the association

b)      The probability of recovering the dues and retaining these memberships is very low even after 3 years so why extend for another 2 years.

c)       Changing the time period is like shifting the onus of removing the membership to the next elected MC


D)     Chapters of the Association/Society:


1)      Point No.9 (I) sub clause (f) The term of the Chapter council along with their tenure is stated to be “one term” along with a cooling off period of One term, if the member wishes to contest for the same post.
 I would like to make a point here : The Chapter will be of a minimum of 20 members and as we can see in the future there might be 100 plus members both in Delhi and Mumbai, but, the possibility of same might be not there in Eg: Hyderabad or Sikkim etc , in all these cases along with Delhi and Mumbai, the , council MIGHT be consisting of SAME THREE members for years , with just changing of seats, in which case, it is requested to set the term to a max of ONE or TWO terms for any member to be in the council, which will generate interest of other new / old members to come in and take over the reins and also help us in curbing the practice of power.

2)      I would recommend add a minimum criteria of passing out from school to be a part of the chapter council, and it should be considered the same as in case of SJA AA norms, i.e Coordinator – 15 yrs, Secretary and treasurer – 10 yrs each. However , if , there are more than 20 members and this criteria fails to meet, than at least  any two members should fulfill the minimum passing out criteria .

3)      OBJECTS OF LOCAL CHAPTERS – Point III sub clause (a) “The local chapters shall assist the MC of SJA AA Dehra Dun”  .
I would like the house to interpret what the word “ASSIST” means ?
I feel that Chapters have a responsibility towards the local chapter members and are equal members of the main body. A reporting or Assisting responsibility to the main body cannot be a charter of the chapters. The objective of the chapter is to provide only a social network to the members of the SJA AA . It is an extension of SJA AA and not a franchise.
I would request the honorable MC to clarify the roles in which it seeks assistance from the Chapter council

4)      LOCAL CHAPTERS – Point IV sub clause (e) and (f) and others – “the Local chapters must seek approval of the Associations MC in a manner prescribed by it, before engaging in any fund raising activity “  .

Will the honorable MC be kind enough to announce the actions for which an approval needs to be sought, the process thereof and the “approving authority”. I hope that enough care will be taken such that the pre-approval process does not affect the dignity of the chapter council members

5)      Chapter Council – Voting – “No postal ballot or e ballot shall be allowed for local chapters  elections “

The laws of chapter council election should not  differ from the laws of the main body. Postal election & e-voting should be permitted for chapters also to encourage healthy participation by chapter members.

6)      In point VI C it is stated that “ The elections of the local chapter shall be held in the month of AUGUST “and  in Point VII A it is mentioned that “the AM should be held every year in the month of JUNE “ ,
If these two can be clubbed to happen as one event it will be convenient for the chapter members and also prove to be cost effective.

7)      The responsibility of the main body towards the local chapters is not defined. The method of funding the local chapters and sharing of membership funds is also not mentioned.

I’d request the honorable MC to define the same


E)      Process of raising points at AGM


I herein object to the process of raising points at the AGM that requires the proposer and the seconder to be physically present at the AGM. The MC has in the process forgotten the Outstation members as well as those who are unable to attend for various reasons.

If you consider these points valid enough, I would request you to bring them to the notice of the AGM. I would also request you to review the method of asking questions at the AGM .

I would hereby like to once again extend my support to current MC
I would propose that the current MC be given an extended term  as MC  ELECT (ELECTED for term 2013-2015 as well) to meet the following objectives

(1) Introducing E Voting for next elections
(2) Resolving and addressing the issues of unpaid members and either bringing collections from them or striking them off the membership list.
(3) Finalising a positive workable draft and norms for the chapters and implementing them.
(4) Bringing the focus of the Alumni Association to work for the welfare of Alumni’s.


Thanking you,


Yours Sincerely


Anil Bakshi

Member  (Membership No.SJA - A891)

SJA Alumni Association

Dehra Dun


Anil Bakshi
Personnel Search Associates
A-6, (IInd Floor) Prehladpur
Surajkund Road
New Delhi - 110044
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