Soft Clients / Dummies Guide to jOpenRay?

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A.W. Stanley

Feb 14, 2011, 6:41:06 AM2/14/11
to jOpenRay
Hi all,

I stumbled across jOpenRay today whilst looking at a way to speed up
RDP/VNC over high bandwidth systems. While I had heard about Sun Rays
before, I've never really had the joy of deploying anything like
them. I read through the past mail and though Niki's idea of
replacing everything could be an interesting experiment.

At the moment I'm looking at setting up and old PC (800MHz Pentium-M
tablet with 256MB of RAM) as something like a thin-client -- if it
could be a thin-client, all the better.

However, testing on various systems, I can't seem to work out how I'm
meant to hook the sessions to the users. I've tried softray, Sun
Desktop Access Client, and Oracle's new VDC replacement for SDAC, all
to no avail.

I seem to get stuck on "Waiting for message..."

Here's a copy+paste the console:

jOpenRayServer : started
jOpenRayServer : waiting message
jOpenRayServer : client connected
jOpenRayServer : waiting message
AuthenticationThread [] Waiting for message...
AuthenticationThread [] Message received: sessionReq _=1
event=insert type=pseudo namespace=MD5
sw=Sun:SunRayS1:MINGW32_NT-5.1:1.0.51 hw=SunRayS1 state=disconnected
realIP=C0A800CA tokenSeq=2 cause=insert
sn=96d72d8f65f1ff28444e2dcff0f2c241 MTU=1500
firstServer=0B00A8C0 keyTypes=dsa-sha1-x1,dsa-sha1
AuthenticationThread [] Unknown message received:
sessionReq _=1 event=insert type=pseudo namespace=MD5
sw=Sun:SunRayS1:MINGW32_NT-5.1:1.0.51 hw=SunRayS1 state=disconnected
realIP=C0A800CA tokenSeq=2 cause=insert
sn=96d72d8f65f1ff28444e2dcff0f2c241 MTU=1500
firstServer=0B00A8C0 keyTypes=dsa-sha1-x1,dsa-sha1
AuthenticationThread [] Waiting for message...
AuthenticationThread [] Message received: keepAliveReq
_=1 sw=Sun:SunRayS1:MINGW32_NT-5.1:1.0.51 namespace=MD5 hw=SunRayS1
pn=-1 sn=96d72d8f65f1ff28444e2dcff0f2c241 state=disconnected
AuthenticationThread [] Waiting for message...
AuthenticationThread [] Message received: keepAliveReq
_=1 sw=Sun:SunRayS1:MINGW32_NT-5.1:1.0.51 namespace=MD5 hw=SunRayS1
pn=-1 sn=96d72d8f65f1ff28444e2dcff0f2c241 state=disconnected
AuthenticationThread [] Waiting for message...
AuthenticationThread [] Message received: keepAliveReq
_=1 sw=Sun:SunRayS1:MINGW32_NT-5.1:1.0.51 namespace=MD5 hw=SunRayS1
pn=-1 sn=96d72d8f65f1ff28444e2dcff0f2c241 state=disconnected
AuthenticationThread [] Waiting for message...
AuthenticationThread [] Message received: keepAliveReq
_=1 sw=Sun:SunRayS1:MINGW32_NT-5.1:1.0.51 namespace=MD5 hw=SunRayS1
pn=-1 sn=96d72d8f65f1ff28444e2dcff0f2c241 state=disconnected
AuthenticationThread [] Waiting for message...
AuthenticationThread [] Message received: keepAliveReq
_=1 sw=Sun:SunRayS1:MINGW32_NT-5.1:1.0.51 namespace=MD5 hw=SunRayS1
pn=-1 sn=96d72d8f65f1ff28444e2dcff0f2c241 state=disconnected
AuthenticationThread [] Waiting for message...
AuthenticationThread [] Message received: keepAliveReq
_=1 sw=Sun:SunRayS1:MINGW32_NT-5.1:1.0.51 namespace=MD5 hw=SunRayS1
pn=-1 sn=96d72d8f65f1ff28444e2dcff0f2c241 state=disconnected
AuthenticationThread [] Waiting for message...
AuthenticationThread [] Message received: keepAliveReq
_=1 sw=Sun:SunRayS1:MINGW32_NT-5.1:1.0.51 namespace=MD5 hw=SunRayS1
pn=-1 sn=96d72d8f65f1ff28444e2dcff0f2c241 state=disconnected
AuthenticationThread [] Waiting for message...
AuthenticationThread [] Message received: keepAliveReq
_=1 sw=Sun:SunRayS1:MINGW32_NT-5.1:1.0.51 namespace=MD5 hw=SunRayS1
pn=-1 sn=96d72d8f65f1ff28444e2dcff0f2c241 state=disconnected
AuthenticationThread [] Waiting for message...

( I'm hoping nothing there is sensitive, as that's the Sun Desktop
Acces Client trying to connect I'm assuming it's semi-random (or based
on device ID -- not particularly important here as it's an old, old,
old, tablet). )

I don't have jOpenRay in DHCP, but both all of the softclients allow
me to punch in the IP address of the server, so even though the system
( is getting a DHCP lease, it is reaching the server
(obviously, because it's dumping it there).

The error on SDAC and Oracle's VDC is "22" and then "26". Then the
error disappears.

Notably, I have no card readers (only one system has one, but I don't
have access to smart cards, and wouldn't want to complicate it
anyway), but I'm hoping something akin to kiosk mode works fine (i.e.
underlying "default" system).

I hope it all makes sense and someone can point me in the right
direction. I'm hoping (and expecting) my error to be something
trivial I've overlooked.


Guillaume Maillard

Feb 14, 2011, 6:49:07 AM2/14/11

jOpenRay is only tested with SunRays.
SoftClients require some unimplemented crypto.

No news from Oracle (Alan Wakeman) yet, so...


2011/2/14 A.W. Stanley <>

A.W. Stanley

Feb 14, 2011, 7:00:52 AM2/14/11
to jOpenRay

Thanks for the quick reply!

That makes sense -- I wasn't sure if softray had managed to bypass
that in some way, but not too much of a worry (though I guess it might
explain the "unknown message" part?).

I'll probably be able to play with a Sun Ray 270 at some stage -- with
any luck that goes well, thin clients seem to be a much better
solution for older users who live in the web browser (c.f. gmail +
browsing). It's a shame nothing came of the SunRay@Home project.

I can't write Java very well -- can read a bit, I guess I can scratch
a bit together -- but if I can help with anything regarding the
softclients, I'd be glad to do so :)


Guillaume Maillard

Feb 14, 2011, 1:13:15 PM2/14/11

I'm sure it will not be a lot of work to see what's wrong between softray and jOpenRay,
both are Java based an opensource.
No need to code, juste put some System.out.println to understand why the 2 apps
have some issue to talk to each other.
Provide us you findings and I will fix it...


2011/2/14 A.W. Stanley <>

Alexander Stanley

Feb 14, 2011, 2:43:24 PM2/14/11

With any luck I'll get Eclipse up and running later this week (bit a strange/hectic week) and I'll throw some debugging print statements into both sides to see what happens.

I'm interested in finding out how both the older Sun and newer Oracle apps are influenced by crypto (you'd think there'd be little way to do it point-to-point, but I guess that's what the "pseudo" handle is for).  If I can help with that too, let me know :)


Alexander Stanley

Feb 23, 2011, 8:40:53 PM2/23/11
Due to not having much time (selling the house and preparing to move), I haven't had time to look at the softclients, however I have my 270 online and have remapped the offending keys (as mentioned before, but it doesn't appear to like me replying to that thread).

There are still some issues in ssh (CTRL and ALT keys don't appear to work, but SHIFT does, and no repeating of keys being typed), but I'll look at them in a bit.

This map works on a Dell USB keyboard, I haven't had time to test it on others, but this corrects the Q/A and W/Z differences between the US QWERTY and the French layout.
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