I've just pushed the Joose 3.50.0 to npm. Its the initial release in the Joose 3.50 series, which will lead to Joose4 in some distant future :)
The difference from Joose 3.18 are mostly on package level. Most significant are shown below:
- the Singleton and advanced features for attributes are now bundled into Joose itself:
- Joose finally have an easily discoverable bundle file: joose-all.js in the top-most directory of tarball.
- Joose now comes with browserify-like tool for providing synchronous "require" in browsers (on early stage for now): joose-nodify
Codebase itself is stable for now (all tests green in browsers/node)
Roadmap for Joose4:
- types
- benchmark suite
- core rewrite in more functional style
- internals simplifications
- robust/feature-full "nodify" tool
Deprecations for Joose3:
Joose3.50 deprecates a some things:
1) Naturally, JooseX-Class-Singleton + JooseX.Attribute extensions
2) JooseX.Namespace.Depended extension
3) Using classes as global properties
4) The custom "builders" creation via the "builder" keyword (will be replaced with simpler mechanism)