Working with BLOBs

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no leída,
27 mar 2013, 11:20:21 a.m.27/3/2013
Hi Lukas,

I posted some code, maybe you can have a look at it.


A. Digulla

Lukas Eder

no leída,
28 mar 2013, 3:00:21 a.m.28/3/2013
Hi Aaron,

Yes, I had noticed that question. Thanks a lot for answering it.
Indeed JDBC's Blob/Clob handling doesn't really fit well into jOOQ's
type management philosophy. It is far from trivial to get this right,
as InputStream / OutputStream lifecycles may not match that of a query
execution. In other words, fetching a LOB without immediately
consuming it might compromise jOOQ's model of when to "release()" a
used connection - to use the term from recent discussions.

Nonetheless, the current situation is not satisfying, as ignoring LOB
existence isn't a good long-term strategy for jOOQ :-) I'm very open
to suggestions and implementation ideas. When I have time, I'll also
comment on that question.


2013/3/27 digulla <>:
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Lukas Eder

no leída,
2 abr 2013, 8:55:02 a.m.2/4/2013
Hello Peter,

If the only problem is binding variables to an
OraclePreparedStatement, you might try to implement a CustomField for
your bind value:

With an appropriate API, you should then be able to do:

create.insertInto(TABLE, TABLE.ID, TABLE.BLOB)
.values(1, new MyBlob(byteArray))

Note that you might need to do some tricks to extract the actual
OraclePreparedStatement from the Statement provided by jOOQ.
Otherwise, just wrap your byte[] in a ByteArrayInputStream, and pass
it to PreparedStatement.setBinaryStream

Let me know how that works.


2013/4/2 <>:
> Hi both,
> Thanks for taking the time to try to deal with my problem.
> To add a bit of an extra detail to it, I'd want to write and query
> reasonably large (between 1-16 megabytes) values in an Oracle database but
> only one at a time. The values are stored in byte arrays or Strings, so I
> don't really need the stream semantics of standard LOB handling.
> Now querying isn't a problem, as ResultSet.getBytes() seems to work fine for
> any size values but
> Due to these limitations I thought about using
> OraclePreparedStatement.setBytesForBlob() to bind my values for write
> operations but there's no extension point I can find where I could do this.
> So as a limited (but still fairly generic) solution I thought about some
> kind of extension mechanism in the binding process, maybe an interface
> called 'SelfBindingValue', with a single method bindSelf( PreparedStatement
> ps, SQLDialect d) that is called by DefaultBindContext.bindValue0().
> Or is there an obvious flaw in this idea?
> Thanks in advance,
> Peter

Lukas Eder

no leída,
2 abr 2013, 3:42:40 p.m.2/4/2013
Hi Peter,

Just a short note that I forgot to mention:

Do note that my suggestion would be a temporary workaround. In the
long run, I think that jOOQ should be able to handle those "special"
cases of larger LOBs as well, and do the work for you.


2013/4/2 Lukas Eder <>:


no leída,
2 abr 2013, 4:04:00 p.m.2/4/2013
Of course and thanks for the suggestion.

I'm going to try the CustomField workaround and report back on the results.


no leída,
12 abr 2013, 3:24:54 p.m.12/4/2013
It seems from my test that CustomFields binding LOBs as a binary/character stream work perfectly for this purpose (i.e. if you want to insert the contents of a byte array into a BLOB or a String into a CLOB), with Oracle 11g at least.

As an interesting aside, regular inserts and updates do seem to work even without a workaround (up to the size of data I needed) but merge statements fail without it.


Lukas Eder

no leída,
13 abr 2013, 7:03:14 a.m.13/4/2013
Hi Peter,

2013/4/12 biziclop <>:
> It seems from my test that CustomFields binding LOBs as a binary/character
> stream work perfectly for this purpose (i.e. if you want to insert the
> contents of a byte array into a BLOB or a String into a CLOB), with Oracle
> 11g at least.

Thanks for the feedback.

> As an interesting aside, regular inserts and updates do seem to work even
> without a workaround (up to the size of data I needed) but merge statements
> fail without it.

Interesting, I didn't know about this MERGE statement behaviour. Are
you using any stored procedures, VARRAY / TABLE types, or OBJECT types
(or combinations thereof)?



no leída,
13 abr 2013, 3:17:39 p.m.13/4/2013
Hi Lukas,

No, nothing fancy, just a simple table with two columns, one is a varchar2 (for id), the other is a clob and I'm trying to merge a Java String object into the clob. So it's really the simplest setup and I get an "ORA-01461 can bind a LONG value only for insert into a LONG column" with it.

I can send you more details on how to reproduce this next week if you're interested.


Lukas Eder

no leída,
14 abr 2013, 1:20:49 p.m.14/4/2013
Hi Peter,

2013/4/13 biziclop <>:
> Hi Lukas,
> No, nothing fancy, just a simple table with two columns, one is a varchar2
> (for id), the other is a clob and I'm trying to merge a Java String object
> into the clob. So it's really the simplest setup and I get an "ORA-01461 can
> bind a LONG value only for insert into a LONG column" with it.
> I can send you more details on how to reproduce this next week if you're
> interested.

Yes, if it's not too much effort, I'd be curious to know more about
this problem.


no leída,
21 jul 2017, 5:03:39 a.m.21/7/2017
para jOOQ User Group
Any update on this?

Lukas Eder

no leída,
21 jul 2017, 5:04:34 a.m.21/7/2017
Hi Robert,

Thanks for your message. The discussion is from 2013 - I suspect that it might be quite likely it is outdated. Would you mind creating a new discussion on the user group with details on what you're currently looking for?


2017-07-21 1:21 GMT+02:00 <>:
Any update on this?

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