[ ANNOUNCEMENT ] 3.15.5 patch releases with minor improvements and bug fixes

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Lukas Eder

Dec 3, 2021, 2:30:39 AM12/3/21
to jOOQ User Group
Version 3.15.5 - December 2, 2021

This is a 3.15 patch release with minor improvements and bug fixes

Features and Improvements
#12593 - JPADatabase should log a WARNING message if it cannot find any entities on the classpath
#12668 - Add Source.of(InputStream, int) and Source.of(Reader, int) to create length limited sources
#12694 - Support parsing single element IN predicate without parentheses

Bug Fixes
#12567 - JDBCUtils::safeClose methods should debug log stack traces
#12570 - Connection leak when ExecuteListener::fetchEnd throws an exception
#12572 - Exception in LoggerListener when projecting top level row(...).mapping()
#12577 - Add support for unwrapping Optional types in DefaultConverterProvider
#12590 - CockroachDB IDENTITY column recognition is broken
#12597 - ParamType.INLINED produces wrong behaviour for cacheParsingConnection
#12603 - Parser cannot parse INSERT .. SELECT without column list
#12613 - SQLDataType.null generated when using XMLDatabase with lower case array type
#12615 - Generated column in table valued function of type TIMESTAMP without precision is generated using precision zero
#12617 - Codegeneration fails with case sensitive data types in postgres 9.0 or less
#12623 - H2 enums which contain brackets are not generated in Java enum
#12641 - OracleDatabase doesn't produce correct CYCLE sequence flag information in code generation
#12646 - Parser should support PostgreSQL date part syntaxes with explicit type casts
#12651 - Parser parses and ignores NOT keyword after column expression
#12661 - Wrong SQL generated for PostgreSQL functions returning single UDT OUT parameters
#12670 - Blob.length() and Clob.length() calls shouldn't be silently downcast to int
#12671 - OracleDatabase::sequences produces query that doesn't work on older ojdbc driver versions
#12676 - MariaDBDatabase no longer generates check constraints
#12679 - Potential resource leak in SettingsTools static initialiser
#12684 - Regression in code generation catalog mapping

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