[ ANNOUNCEMENT ] 3.14.13 and 3.15.1 patch releases with minor improvements and bug fixes

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Lukas Eder

Jul 14, 2021, 2:27:26 PM7/14/21
to jOOQ User Group
Version 3.14.13 - July 14, 2021

This is a 3.14 patch release with minor improvements and bug fixes

Bug Fixes
#12143 - Data conversion error converting "TIMESTAMP to JSON" in H2
#12162 - Error when embedding a timestamp in Db2 XMLELEMENT and other XML functions
#12165 - Add support for TO_CHAR in Db2
#12167 - ORA-06550 when calling a PL/SQL procedure with a %ROWTYPE parameter that has DATE fields when dateAsTimestamp=true and javaTimeTypes=true

Version 3.15.1 - July 14, 2021

This is a 3.15 patch release with minor improvements and bug fixes

Features and Improvements
#12121 - Spring Boot example should use `@SpringBootApplication(exclude = { R2dbcAutoConfiguration.class })`
#12126 - Wrong Support annotation: HSQLDB doesn't support MULTISET or MULTISET_AGG
#12129 - Document lack of correlated MULTISET support in Db2, H2, MariaDB, MySQL 5.7

Breaking changes
#12186 - R2DBC execution should wrap R2dbcException in DataAccessException

Bug Fixes
#12115 - R2DBC nested subscription loops forever when nesting or sequencing INSERT .. RETURNING run on r2dbc-pool
#12122 - Support nesting ROW in MULTISET
#12124 - Regression in ResultQuery.fetchMap(Field, Field) with null values
#12132 - Wrong deserialisation of temporal data types in MULTISET XML emulation
#12133 - DefaultConverterProvider should be able to convert both ISO timestamp formats to Timestamp and LocalDateTime
#12137 - MULTISET emulation doesn't correctly deserialise single column record containing only a NULL value in SQL Server
#12138 - IndexOutOfBoundsException when deserialising MULTISET as XML emulation with NULLs
#12140 - MULTISET as JSON emulation using JSON_ARRAY must use NULL ON NULL clause
#12142 - Data conversion error converting "TIMESTAMP to JSON" in H2
#12145 - Regression when binding JSONB value containing a JSONB string in PostgreSQL
#12147 - Regression in SQLite code generation for unnamed composite pkeys on JDK 9+ with the jOOQ Open Source Edition
#12152 - DSL.using(String, String, String) based R2DBC Connection does not use provided username and password
#12153 - Setter return type must be Unit & '@set:' annotations could be applied only to mutable properties
#12156 - Nested multiset record mapping fails at the 3rd level of nesting
#12159 - MULTISET/JSON emulation can't read TIME type in Db2
#12161 - Error when embedding a timestamp in Db2 XMLELEMENT and other XML functions
#12164 - Add support for TO_CHAR in Db2
#12166 - ORA-06550 when calling a PL/SQL procedure with a %ROWTYPE parameter that has DATE fields when dateAsTimestamp=true and javaTimeTypes=true
#12170 - Deeply nested MULTISET produce quoted JSON in MariaDB
#12179 - Unnecessary finalizer registration in DefaultConnectionProvider
#12182 - SQL Server doesn't correctly serialize TIME bind values in FOR XML and FOR JSON usage
#12184 - An R2dbcException wrapping DataAccessException should properly produce sqlState() and other properties
#12188 - The XML MULTISET_AGG emulation doesn't work with unnamed bind values in Db2
#12190 - Db2 cannot handle scalar subqueries in JSON_OBJECT in the presence of a MULTISET ad-hoc converter
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