June saw some new positive changes to the Resources Directory (http://
Over the last few months, the JRD team have discussed ways to open up
the directory to more members of the community that are active
Because of that, the following areas of community involvement are now
Active free support on the Joomla! Forums
Active free support on Joomla-related International Forums
The Joomla! Community Magazine
Joomla! Day Attendance
Joomla! Day Sponsorship
Contributing Documentation
Extension Development
Active Beta Testing and Bug Squashing
Member of a Community Working Group or Production Working Group
Active member of a Joomla-related Google Group
Involved in other official areas of the project that are not listed
The full blog post can be read here:
The ensuing discussion on the J!People site can be read here:
The original version of the new guidelines opened the door to many new
submissions, but still was not all-inclusive to non-native English
contributors. Based on direct feedback from the community on the blog
post, the J!People site an the Joomla! Forums, the guidelines were
modified to be more internationally inclusive. While there is still
room for improvement (continuously) the team is very happy to see the
directory evolve with great community input.
Last month's statistics are:
23 New Listings (That's over a 10% increase in listings in one month.)
2 Reviews published
4 reports handled
Multiple e-mails between the team and community members concerning
Currently there are 8 pending listings.
Special thanks goes out to those community members that were involved
in help the Joomla! Resources Directory evolve!