Joomla! GSoC Project Announcements --> And Mentor Profiles

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Amy Stephen

Apr 16, 2008, 7:16:06 PM4/16/08
to Joomla! Summer of Code 2008
For those who do not know, I am on the Communications Team that
reports to Louis Landry for the Joomla! project. Part of what I hope
to do with GSoC, is to help Ian, Wilco and the Joomla! GSoC "gang" get
the word out to our community on what's happening and why it matters.

We are nearing the point where we will submit our 15 choices for
student proposals. On the 21st, Google will announce these selections
to the world. Very soon after, we will want to publish a nice article
to detail for the Joomla! community the good things coming our way!

I know it sounds perfectly crazy, but, we could actually begin getting
some of that material together now. (I know, that's like "planning
ahead" :P ).

I was thinking what might be nice is to do a short profile that
focuses on each of the a) proposals selected, b) desired deliverables,
and then c) introduces the teams (mentors and students).

~*~ Did I just hear a collective groan? ~*~

What I would *really* appreciate from each of you is this (unless
there are objections):

1. Your name (as you wish that name to be shared);

2. Location (state/country is fine);

3. ~15 words that describe your professional background (this could be
the name of the company you work for, or the industry you are involved
in; or your job title; just the basics);

4. ~15 words that describe your background with Joomla! or other
expertise that brings you to this project. (ex. I am a professional
site builder and have used Joomla! for 2 1/2 years. - or - I am on the
Joomla! Documentation Team and started with the project with Mambo -
or - What's Joomla!? - or - I am a world-wide leader in Semantic Web
technologies - yes, we have one of those on our team!).

5. A face-shot photo (if you do not mind!).

Please email me ( your profiles (or
regrets) as soon as you are able and I will not nag you. ;-)

I am looking forward to GSoC 2008 - there are going to be some great
things shared with our community. Thanks for your considerable
contributions. Make certain to take a nap before we get started!

Amy :)


Apr 17, 2008, 6:20:04 PM4/17/08
to Joomla! Summer of Code 2008
Did and done! I tried to keep it really brief.
> Please email me ( your profiles (or

Amy Stephen

Apr 18, 2008, 12:14:41 AM4/18/08
to Joomla! Summer of Code 2008
Neri - lol!

Are you trying to trick me?

I don't see any of your info and we just won't be a team, without you!

Amy :)

Matheus Mendes

Apr 18, 2008, 9:59:52 AM4/18/08


Matheus Mendes


Apr 18, 2008, 6:45:24 PM4/18/08
to Joomla! Summer of Code 2008
I can be tricky, just not this time. I updated my g groups profile.

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