Hi JCM group

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Dec 7, 2011, 2:44:16 PM12/7/11
to joomla-commu...@googlegroups.com
Hi all, thanks of inviting me and my team to join the JCM Group, I built my first website in the year 1995 in buenos Aires since then I been creating websites, magazines and brands all around the world.
Thank you again and I hope we can collaborate with the Joomla Project.

Pablo Ferrero
Flat World Communication LLC
201 S. Biscayne Blvd., 28th Fl
Miami, Florida,   33131

USA Toll Free: +1 866 796 1363
USA Office - Miami: +1 786 406 6111 
Europe Office - Dublin: +353 14 43 47 16
South America Office - Buenos Aires: 

Ichat: pabloferrero
Skype: pabloferrero1

Alice Grevet

Dec 7, 2011, 5:21:52 PM12/7/11
to joomla-commu...@googlegroups.com
Welcome Pablo - thanks so much for joining us!!!



Dec 8, 2011, 7:37:33 AM12/8/11
to joomla-commu...@googlegroups.com
Thanks Alice, thank you you for accepting me ;)

Pablo Ferrero
Flat World Communication LLC
201 S. Biscayne Blvd., 28th Fl
Miami, Florida,   33131

USA Toll Free: +1 866 796 1363
USA Office - Miami: +1 786 406 6111 
Europe Office - Dublin: +353 14 43 47 16
South America Office - Buenos Aires: 

Ichat: pabloferrero
Skype: pabloferrero1

Dianne Henning

Dec 7, 2011, 5:35:59 PM12/7/11
to joomla-commu...@googlegroups.com
Hi Pablo! 

Welcome to the JCM!!

John Cafferkey

Dec 8, 2011, 8:03:48 AM12/8/11
to joomla-commu...@googlegroups.com

Hi guys, thanks for the invite to write for the Joomla Community Magazine! I’m John, I have a small web design and search engine optimisation business in Cambridge, UK, but my background (and what I’d like to bring to JCM) is in marketing. Thanks to Paul for inviting me and looking forward to getting to know you all and adding some useful content.


My plan is to write articles that investigate how Joomla can be put at the heart of an organisation – whether as a marketing system, for customer relations, ecommerce, or any of the other multitude of industry specific modules and plugins available. My thinking is to take a more commercial point of view coupled with an overview of the technical aspects to help web designers deliver more integrated solutions to their customers.


Ultimately I’d like to get web designers thinking about delivering bigger, more complex projects that cement Joomla into their customers businesses. This could (in theory) help Joomla web designers differentiate themselves in the very crowded web design market and potentially win bigger more interesting deals.


How does this sound to everyone?









Dec 8, 2011, 3:07:15 PM12/8/11
to joomla-commu...@googlegroups.com
Thanks Dianne, happy to be here.

Pablo Ferrero
Flat World Communication LLC
201 S. Biscayne Blvd., 28th Fl
Miami, Florida,   33131

USA Toll Free: +1 866 796 1363
USA Office - Miami: +1 786 406 6111 
Europe Office - Dublin: +353 14 43 47 16
South America Office - Buenos Aires: 

Ichat: pabloferrero
Skype: pabloferrero1

Hagen Graf

Dec 8, 2011, 3:06:58 PM12/8/11
to joomla-commu...@googlegroups.com
Hi John,

Ultimately I’d like to get web designers thinking about delivering bigger, more complex projects that cement Joomla into their customers businesses. This could (in theory) help Joomla web designers differentiate themselves in the very crowded web design market and potentially win bigger more interesting deals.

How does this sound to everyone?

Sounds interesting, I am very curious!

Hagen Graf
32 rue du Pla :: 11510 Fitou :: France
phone: +33 970 44 51 10
skype: cocoate
email: info@cocoa​te.com
web: http://coc​oate.com
about me: http://about.me/hagengraf

Pour le respect de l'environnement, merci de réfléchir à l'utilité d'imprimer cet email.

Paul Orwig

Dec 8, 2011, 4:09:13 PM12/8/11
to joomla-commu...@googlegroups.com
Thanks John for sharing your idea. There's another JCM email list thread about proposed content changes that started a few weeks ago, and I would like to also incorporate your idea in that discussion since it falls under that subject. I'll post a new message in that thread soon. But we can also talk more about your idea here.

Mark, I know you have expressed interest in a business oriented JCM topic, so if this idea gets implemented, you and others may want to team up with John on it.

I like this idea and I would like to see us give it a try. How about if the scope is expanded beyond businesses to also include non-profit organizations, schools, and other non-commercial organizations from time to time?

Thanks again,


Mark W Bender

Dec 10, 2011, 9:27:54 PM12/10/11
to Joomla Community Magazine
On Dec 8, 5:03 am, "John Cafferkey" <jo...@swaysearch.com> wrote:
> Hi guys, thanks for the invite to write for the Joomla Community Magazine!
> I'm John, I have a small web design and search engine optimisation business
> in Cambridge, UK, but my background (and what I'd like to bring to JCM) is
> in marketing. Thanks to Paul for inviting me and looking forward to getting
> to know you all and adding some useful content.

Welcome to the Team John!

> My plan is to write articles that investigate how Joomla can be put at the

> heart of an organisation - whether as a marketing system, for customer

> relations, ecommerce, or any of the other multitude of industry specific
> modules and plugins available. My thinking is to take a more commercial
> point of view coupled with an overview of the technical aspects to help web
> designers deliver more integrated solutions to their customers.

Are you thinking of things like "What's on the Road to Enterprise?"

> Ultimately I'd like to get web designers thinking about delivering bigger,
> more complex projects that cement Joomla into their customers businesses.
> This could (in theory) help Joomla web designers differentiate themselves in
> the very crowded web design market and potentially win bigger more
> interesting deals.

What types of tools help boost your Joomla! Business? for an possible

> How does this sound to everyone?

I look forward to reading (perhaps editing) your articles!


Mark W Bender

Dec 10, 2011, 9:33:42 PM12/10/11
to Joomla Community Magazine
On Dec 8, 1:09 pm, Paul Orwig <paul.or...@community.joomla.org> wrote:
> Thanks John for sharing your idea. There's another JCM email list thread
> about proposed content changes that started a few weeks ago, and I would
> like to also incorporate your idea in that discussion since it falls under
> that subject. I'll post a new message in that thread soon. But we can also
> talk more about your idea here.
> Mark, I know you have expressed interest in a business oriented JCM topic,
> so if this idea gets implemented, you and others may want to team up with
> John on it.

I guess the name for that section is "Business Matters" which IMHO
works great!

Having the opportunity to work with John and some of the other new
Team members on
the magazine is great! If anyone else has some business related
articles for that section,
feel free to contact me!

> I like this idea and I would like to see us give it a try. How about if the
> scope is expanded beyond businesses to also include non-profit
> organizations, schools, and other non-commercial organizations from time to
> time?

Many of the Press/Media articles that I've have found in the last 18
issues have been for
cities, school districts, or club associated websites. Open Source
works for the
non profit sector, so it's a logical match for Joomla! to be one of
the tools available.

Rita Lewis

Dec 10, 2011, 10:11:25 PM12/10/11
to joomla-commu...@googlegroups.com, Rita Lewis
Hi Mark and John,

My background is also in Marketing and I also run a small web design and content management company. I'm heavily involved right now in moving Joomla! into a more Enterprise setting and working with cloud computing as well as small businesses that are using Joomla! as e-commerce and blog sites as well as more than just brochures or such. I'd be very interested in working with you on The Business of Joomla or Joomla in business (I know they are different). I have also done non-profit sites which require a different approach since most of what they use Joomla for is event management and information/resource repositories in my experience. And I'm very interested in the integration aspects since this is where Joomla seems to have problems -- tying the different extensions together as well as convincing clients that Joomla can help them converge the different needs of their websites, from marketing, to fiduciary information, to reference materials, etc.

I think part of the growing technical aspect of working with businesses is growing Joomla! to meet the needs of growing sites via cloud computing. I understand that Joomla will support other databases than MySQL in the near future which will make the move to the cloud easier than my experiences.

Mark, thank you for your welcome and please add me as a volunteer under Business.


Paul Orwig

Dec 10, 2011, 10:41:51 PM12/10/11
to joomla-commu...@googlegroups.com, Rita Lewis
John, Mark, and Rita,

It's really exciting to see your shared vision for this topic, as you also each bring your own separate experiences and perspectives. I can't wait to see the articles and stories you all are going to come up with for this new topic!

Here's my question: If the scope of this topic is going to be broader than just to cover for-profit businesses (and I think it should), then can we come up with a better label that really captures that full scope? Here is what we have come up so far:
  • Business Matters
  • Joomla for Business
  • The Business of Joomla

If others would also like to join as editors for this topic, please speak up!



Mark W Bender

Dec 10, 2011, 11:47:54 PM12/10/11
to Joomla Community Magazine
On Dec 10, 7:11 pm, Rita Lewis <ixc...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Mark and John,
> My background is also in Marketing and I also run a small web design and content management company. I'm heavily involved right now in moving Joomla! into a more Enterprise setting and working with cloud computing as well as small businesses that are using Joomla! as e-commerce and blog sites as well as more than just brochures or such. I'd be very interested in working with you on The Business of Joomla or Joomla in business (I know they are different). I have also done non-profit sites which require a different approach since most of what they use Joomla for is event management and information/resource repositories in my experience. And I'm very interested in the integration aspects since this is where Joomla seems to have problems -- tying the different extensions together as well as convincing clients that Joomla can help them converge the different needs of their websites, from marketing, to fiduciary information, to reference materials, etc.

Sounds like you'd be a great asset for the "Business Team" with your
extensive work experiences.
An Enterprise level "distro" of Joomla! would be a nice thing.

> I think part of the growing technical aspect of working with businesses is growing Joomla! to meet the needs of growing sites via cloud computing. I understand that Joomla will support other databases than MySQL in the near future which will make the move to the cloud easier than my experiences.

Cloud seems to be where a lot of technologies are headed. Joomla!
will need to be able to be a "viable" option for business owners who
want to use Open Source for their technology needs

> Mark, thank you for your welcome and please add me as a volunteer under Business.

Will do Rita. Thanks for your volunteering to help out!

Mark W Bender

Dec 10, 2011, 11:56:20 PM12/10/11
to Joomla Community Magazine
On Dec 10, 7:41 pm, Paul Orwig <paul.or...@community.joomla.org>

> John, Mark, and Rita,
> It's really exciting to see your shared vision for this topic, as you also
> each bring your own separate experiences and perspectives. I can't wait to
> see the articles and stories you all are going to come up with for this new
> topic!

Yes it does seem like a great combo to start a "new" section for JCM!

> Here's my question: If the scope of this topic is going to be broader than
> just to cover for-profit businesses (and I think it should), then can we
> come up with a better label that really captures that full scope? Here is
> what we have come up so far:

>    - Business Matters
>    - Joomla for Business
>    - The Business of Joomla

Yes the "non profit" is a great place to show examples of how Joomla!
plays into
their "business".

I'm open for any suggestions regarding the Category Name for Business
related articles about Joomla!

Business Matters could be considered a "play on words" of Open Source

The Business of Joomla! could be considered either:

1. How Business uses Joomla!
2. How to use Joomla! in your Business
3. Any Joomla! related matters on how to improve your Business
4. Suggestions from others

> If others would also like to join as editors for this topic, please speak
> up!

Thanks Paul!


Dec 12, 2011, 7:56:53 AM12/12/11
to joomla-commu...@googlegroups.com
Hi Team,
I been reading all the post through this weekend and I love finding such an active group of people, I notice one thing through all the posts, they are all great ideas for new articles and sections for the Magazine, but I notice no mention to the design of the magazine it self, as a magazine designer I will like to be involve in designing this great mag,  don't know if there is a team already working on this, if not I will like to organize this team and take the Joomla Magazine to be a reference in the digital magazine  world.
I been designing magazines for the last 10 years, specially for Ireland, Spain and USA, today I am publishing my own digital magazine Navis, and we also develop an iPad app for it you can look for it in the app store and Navis Yachts Magazine. If we want to go a little further we can use this app to publish the Joomla Mag for iPad. 
Creating a magazine like this require a team of designers and illustrators, it may take around one to two weeks to have a 100 pages mag done, it require a lot of hours of work but if we are able to organize a good team we can shorten the hours involved in the design process.
This Mag design involves designing the newsletter, the online mag and if we go further the off line version of it.
Let me know what you think, and please update me on how is the process today as I am new in the team and may be there is something going on on this side already.

Pablo Ferrero
Flat World Communication LLC
201 S. Biscayne Blvd., 28th Fl
Miami, Florida,   33131

USA Toll Free: +1 866 796 1363
USA Office - Miami: +1 786 406 6111 
Europe Office - Dublin: +353 14 43 47 16
South America Office - Buenos Aires: 

Ichat: pabloferrero
Skype: pabloferrero1

Paul Orwig

Dec 12, 2011, 5:15:51 PM12/12/11
to joomla-commu...@googlegroups.com
Hi Pablo,

Thanks for your email, and for your interest to join the JCM team!

We have been talking for a while in the general sense about a JCM redesign, but nothing specific has moved forward with that. We would love to have your ideas and suggestions as part of that process! Milena and Jen have also expressed interest in being involved in a JCM redesign, and others on the team are also welcome to join in that work.

Thanks again,


John Cafferkey

Dec 12, 2011, 12:09:10 PM12/12/11
to joomla-commu...@googlegroups.com
Hi Mark, Rita and Paul, this all seems to be shaping up into a rather
intriguing aspect of the commercial benefits of using Joomla in business!
Hopefully it will encourage other developers to push for greater integration
and pitch Joomla into bigger and more complex projects.

Mark/Paul, what's the best way to kick this off? Are you after a few ideas
that can then be fleshed out or would you prefer a finished article in the
first instance?

Rita - interested in what you're doing with the cloud. Looking forward to
reading your articles!



Brian P Sullivan

Dec 12, 2011, 6:09:54 PM12/12/11
to joomla-commu...@googlegroups.com

How is repairing the sub-template for the Team EaSE articles coming?  


Also, I notice the JCM needs a 404 page.

Paul Orwig

Dec 12, 2011, 6:20:15 PM12/12/11
to joomla-commu...@googlegroups.com
Hi John,

Hi John,

I think the best way to kick this off is as follows:

1. You, Mark, and Rita should connect with each other (either on phone, Skype, email, etc.) and you all discuss more about what your vision/mission/focus for this new JCM topic will be.

2. You, Mark, and Rita should also discuss if this topic fits better within the proposed set of "targeted user types" new JCM topics (designers, developers, administrators, sitebuilders), or does it fit better within the proposed set of more general interest new JCM topics (feature stories, community, project news, help wanted, international)?

3. You, Mark, and Rita should come up with a short label that accurately reflects the full scope of this topic. So for example, I think "Business matters" would be  too narrow of a label since some articles in this topic will also cover issues that are more relevant to non-profits, schools, etc.

4.  Once you, Mark, and Rita have some more details for #'s 1, 2, and 3 above, then please share that in an email to the rest of the team on this list. You may get some more ideas and/or interest from others to join your team.

Until #'s 1-4 above are complete and we are ready to launch this new JCM topic, you, Mark, and Rita (and anyone else) are welcome to submit articles on this general subject anytime and we can publish them in one of the existing JCM topics.



Paul Orwig

Dec 12, 2011, 6:27:29 PM12/12/11
to joomla-commu...@googlegroups.com
Hi Sully,

I am not aware of a request to repair an EaSE sub-template. I am aware of display problems for four EaSE articles, is that the same thing?

Right now, former JCM team member Cristina Solana has volunteered to take a look at troubleshooting the problems with the four EaSE articles. Over the weekend she fixed a problem with the Khmer font not displaying for some users. If Cristina isn't able to resolve the problems with the four EaSE articles, then we will ask Fotis to take a look at them.

Good catch on the 404 page! Can you please add that to the JCM wish list?

Thanks again,


Brian P Sullivan

Dec 12, 2011, 6:28:32 PM12/12/11
to joomla-commu...@googlegroups.com

I need a link to the wish list if you’d like me to do that.

Paul Orwig

Dec 12, 2011, 6:44:00 PM12/12/11
to joomla-commu...@googlegroups.com
Hi Sully,

You have a link to the wish list, it has been shared at least twice in the JCM chat since December 1. Here it is again:


As I have previously requested, please also add your suggestions for new CSS classes to that document.




Dec 13, 2011, 8:28:55 AM12/13/11
to joomla-commu...@googlegroups.com
Hi Paul,
Is good, I also here from some other members their interest, how do you suggest to organize this? may be a conference call between the interested members will work, just a s a start. My vision is that the Joomla Magazine will be as any commercial software mag but built and distribute with the community rules that made Joomla what it is today, and extend the mag to all networks online and offline platforms.


Pablo Ferrero
Flat World Communication LLC
201 S. Biscayne Blvd., 28th Fl
Miami, Florida,   33131

USA Toll Free: +1 866 796 1363
USA Office - Miami: +1 786 406 6111 
Europe Office - Dublin: +353 14 43 47 16
South America Office - Buenos Aires: 

Ichat: pabloferrero
Skype: pabloferrero1

Paul Orwig

Dec 13, 2011, 12:31:33 PM12/13/11
to joomla-commu...@googlegroups.com
Hi Pablo,

Thank you for sharing your vision for the JCM! I have also been hearing from other team members about their ideas and their interest to contribute to a JCM redesign.

My suggestion for how to organize this right now would be to start a new thread here on our JCM email list about the redesign. Anyone who has the time and interest can share their thoughts and their vision. Then after the holidays are behind us, I think we can put more focus and attention on how to continue moving forward as a team.

We have a lot of talented volunteers on this team with a variety of skills and experience. I am looking forward to seeing what we can accomplish together to make the JCM a more dynamic and helpful resource for the Joomla project and the community!

Thanks again,

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