Any recommended Unit testing frameworks for JointJS based single page application?

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Sreenivasulu Valmeti

2016年5月26日 凌晨1:29:312016/5/26
Hi All,

I am new to Unit testing of JavaScripts.

There are a wide range of unit testing frameworks available for unit testing the JavaScripts.  E.g. Jasmine, Mocha etc.
We are building a single page application that has the JointJS and RappidJS shapes etc.

Can you please suggest the suitable unit test automation frameworks for testing these client-side scenarios of the JointJS shapes etc?

Thanks in advance.


Vladimír Talaš

2016年5月26日 清晨6:34:372016/5/26
Hi Sreeni,

There are no limitatinons which testing framework can be used with, it depends on you which you'll find the best. However, in Joint JS we are using Mocha for server side, QUnit for for client side unit testing, and it could be the right option for you, as the testing infrastucture is already sorted out there (configuration, running tests...). If you take the joint js sources you can run tests with command 'grunt test:client'. It should run tests in PhantomJS, or, you can run it in your browser, simply by opening joint\test\jointjs\index.html. Sources and instructions can be found on github -



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Vladimir Talas
Client IO

Chen Feng

2019年5月13日 凌晨2:59:142019/5/13
Hi Vladimir, 
  I'm a user of Rappid. What's the recommended UI test framework for me? We want to automate the operations of diagram editing part. That is to emulate the dragon a construct into the workbench, make a connection between components and so on. We want to compare the output diagram with a reference image. 
  Is there any example or code we can use as a reference?
  BTW, is here the right place to ask questions about Rappid?
  Thanks in advance!
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Milan Pandya

2022年1月7日 凌晨2:11:142022/1/7
Hi Chen,
I am having the same situation. I would like to perform end-to-end test on JointJS. I should be able to drag components, link components, edit properties of the component in an inspector etc. I am using Cypress. So wondering if it is possible to do so.

Did you have any luck with end-to-end testing?


Pavan Kodali

2022年5月25日 中午12:03:102022/5/25
Hello guys,

Any work examples or possibilities that we can able to write automation test cases using JointJS. I need to automate  dragging paper elements, link those elements. I am using Cypress as an automation framework. Regardless of which framework we use, I would like to know if this is even possible with any framework ? I don't see any blogs or stackoverflow posts on automation of jointjs so I am not sure if anybody ever done it. Need help here. Thank you. 

Marek Hozák

2022年6月7日 上午8:16:152022/6/7

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