Fable 3 Guide

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Janise Knollman

Jul 26, 2024, 12:03:02 AM (5 days ago) Jul 26
to JointJS

The world of Fable can be overwhelming at times and even when you master the basics there are plenty of secrets to boggle the minds of the most experienced adventurers. With so many options you may not know where to start. There are people to talk to, women to flirt with, chickens to kick, and tats to have inked. We start you off with the basics and then delve into the many options you have in Fable. We have also included a detailed guide to wooing lovely ladies, robbing a town blind, dominating the pub games and completing every side quest in the world of Albion. But thats not all, we give more love with:

Good or Evil: A walkthrough for both paths, which one will you take? Silver Keys: Every key location detailed. Demon Doors: Every item and weapon. Secret Weapons: Wield the deadliest sword in the land

Our hero awakens from his day dreams on the front steps of his house. His father instructs him that its his sister's birthday. He wants to hear reports about his son's good behavior and he will reward you with money to buy a present. Your father will appear as the primary objective marker on your map. There are also smaller green dots on your map which act as quest markers.

Head down the hill into the center of the town and speak to the trader. He's the guy with the handle bar mustache calling out for business. Also notice that he has a green aura about him, indicating that he is willing to trade or has information about a quest. The trader states that he has a box of sweets that would make a lovely present for your sister but that it costs three gold pieces.

The first good deed can be found directly northeast of the trader. A woman will be standing in front of her house complaining about her good for nothing husband. Her husband can be found behind the house next door to where you live flirting with a girl. If you speak to the man first, do not accept his bribe to keep quiet, that will only earn you evil points. Instead speak to the woman in front of the house and tell her about her cheating husband.

For your next good deed take a right after walking past the pub and the trader. As you walk down the path you will run into a man who asks you to watch his stock while he answers the call of nature. Don't listen to the little brat telling you break the barrels, you wouldn't want to tarnish that halo.

Leave the warehouses and take a right at the end of the path. As you wind upwards you will find a bully tormenting a small child. Lock onto the bully with the L trigger and pop him a few in the chin. The child will thank you and hand you his sister's teddy bear. Return to the warehouses and talk to the small girl. You return her teddy bear and complete your third and final good deed. Actually, following these steps should give you 4 points towards being a goody two shoes.

Return to your father and he will reward you with gold pieces. The primary objective marker on the map will switch to the trader. Speak to him to buy the sweets. Then follow the map north to give your sister the present. She will want to return home, but just as you leave the forest a cut scene will start. Bandits have attacked the town, killing your father and taking your mother and sister.

When the scene ends, run up the path to the covered bridge and into town. Just as a bandit is about to make short work of you, Maze steps in and saves your butt. It turns out he is head of the hero's guild and he teleports you to safety.

You find yourself in the map room of the hero's guild. Run up the curved stairs to your right to enter the bedrooms. Take an immediate right to find a room filled with bookshelves and beds. Search the shelves on the south side of the room to find your first tattoo. Do the same in the library next to the map room to gain a number of interesting books. Later in the game stealing will earn you some points towards evil, but right now it doesn't count, so steal away!

The first round of training in the melee circle involves punching the training dummy 7 times. The guild master will then reward you with a stick. Equip the stick with the white button and hit the dummy another 7 times to destroy it. This is your first encounter with experience, walk over the shiny orb to obtain it or hold the R trigger to suck it towards you. Quest complete!

After completing training the guild bell rings, indicating a disturbance. You are sent to the guild woods to take care of a beetle infestation. Lock onto the beetles with the L trigger and bash away. It should only take one hit with the stick to kill each bug. A heroes work indeed.

You now have the option to advance to the teenage years. Speak to the Guild Master and enjoy the cut scene describing the next few years of training. When it ends you will have grown considerably. It is time to meet with the Guild Master again to continue training. Race whisper to the melee combat ring by holding the B button and running outside and across the river. When you arrive the Guild Master will hand you an Iron Long sword to replace your trusty but weak stick.

Training continues in the melee ring with Whisper. In the first round tap X to attack her until the Guild Master stops you. Continue training by learning to block with the Y button. Let Whisper attack while holding Y and you will advance to a short sparring match with her. Whisper is easily beaten by tapping X and advancing on her. Practice dodging her attacks and switching views with the L trigger when she flips over your head.

The sparring match is followed by archery training. The Guild Master gives you a Yew Bow. Use the BLACK button to take out the bow. Then lock on to targets using the L button. Click the left thumbstick to go into first person mode and click it again to zoom in. Press X to fire of shots at the three targets, afterwards the guild master will test your accuracy with moving practice dummies. The one in front is worth one point. The middle one is worth 3, and the back one is worth nine points. Aim to the right of the range where you can easily wait for all three targets to pass by without changing your aim.

Head over to the waterfalls by the demon door to practice Will powers. Hold the R trigger to access will powers. At first a lightening attack is available by press the X button. Cycle through the training dummies by pulling the L Trigger and zap them as they turn around from right to left.

Training is now complete and the Guild Master will ask you if you wish to continue into adulthood or play with Whisper. Choose to play with whisper for some extra experience. Meet her in the woods where the beetle quest took place. The two heroes will spot some bandits across the lake. Take them out with the bow or by zapping them with some magic.

When you are first introduced to the guild there are a few side quests you can partake in. In the servants quarters talk to the woman who is baking. She will ask you to find 4 apples. Apples can be found scattered on the ground near the melee training ring. Return the apples to her for the reward of a blueberry pie.

Talk to the apprentice with the green aura near the cemetery. He will claim that he is the fastest runner in the guild and challenge you to run to the demon door and back to him in 50 seconds. Hold the B button before the time starts to make sure you start running. The demon door is over a stone pathway to the right of the melee ring. Winning this race is possible but you must not trip up or get caught on the stone pathway for too long. You will receive a bit of money for completing the task.

This is also a good time to complete the guild training tests. Walk up the winding stairs from the map room. At the top of the steps take a right into a small bedroom with many bookshelves. Search a bookshelf on the right to find a Kryndon Tattoo.

Bow: After you receive your archery training you can return to the range to take the skill test. I recommend zooming all the way in and aiming in the right corner of the range. Here you can keep your aiming reticule stationary and wait for the targets to come to you! Score over 150 points and you receive an A+ and you will get a Yew Crossbow from the Guild Master.

Will: Go back to the falls to take the Will test. Simply face the training dummies and blast them with lightening when they spin around. Hold down the L trigger to lock on to the next available target. Don't worry about missing, just blast away. You will receive a will potion and a resurrection phial for receiving an A+.

It is now time to head to the map room to speak with the guild master and continue on to adulthood. Before you complete your training you must head to the guild woods and defeat Maze in a mock duel. It involves applying the three combat skills learned during training and using them against him. Remember to lock on with the L Trigger. After Maze praises your abilities head back to the hero's guild for the graduation ceremony. Afterwards the guild master will teach you about leveling up. See the leveling up section of the guide for help with this. The Guild Master gives you a pack of supplies including:

"Ascend to the throne and become Albion's next ruler in Fable III. "The Fable III Limited Edition Signature Series Guide" picks up the story of life in Albion over half a century after the events of Fable II. Your quest is to overthrow a megalomaniac sibling and save a continent on its knees. This limited edition guide tracks the decisions you make, determining the type of ruler you become. Exclusive quest guides and maps provide an unprecedented knowledge of the games dig spots, gnomes and secrets. Included is a stand alone art section, with a limited edition dust cover and multiplayer tactics for co-op and competitive modes. Fable III and The Kingdom of Albion have never been explored in such detail, but how will you gain and control the wealth and power you crave?"

After you got 1000 GS any guide is useless. Got a Bayonetta Limited Book and don't use it or need it. I stopped buying guides. It's this forum, it's the best in the web so i don't need anything...youtube and i-net change everything...

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