Hiring seasonal full-time canvassers or organizers ($15/hr) in Richmond, Virginia

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Mitchell Yangson

Sep 24, 2020, 4:39:56 PM9/24/20
to jobstha...@googlegroups.com

New Virginia Majority (NVM) is Virginia’s leading civic engagement organization that mobilizes and organizes people of all colors and backgrounds across the state. NVM is hiring organizers for it’s 2020 Electoral Campaigns (C4). Organizers will have the opportunity to work as a part of a state-wide team raising awareness about new voting laws and voting options in Virginia. Positions are based in Richmond, VA. Responsibilities may include but are not limited to:

  • Dropping off literature door to door in Richmond and surrounding areas.

  • Phone-banking and texting as a part of a voter outreach or electoral campaigns

  • Ensuring accurate and complete data is submitted 

  • Assisting Regional Field Director in meeting program goals as assigned

Required Skills:

  • Ability to meet deadlines and work under pressure

  • Willingness to learn new technological tools and troubleshoot technical issues

  • Ability to communicate across lines of difference

  • Self motivated, organized and able to work independently

  • Ability to work long, irregular hours


Seasonal full-time positions available. Canvassers are paid $15 per hour. 


Email  vku...@newvirginiamajority.org  with 'Organizer' in the subject line and attach your resume.

New Virginia Majority (NVM), Virginia’s leading civic engagement organization, builds power in working-class communities of color across the Commonwealth. We organize in communities year-round for racial, economic, and environmental justice through political education, mass-scale voter outreach, mobilization, and intensive leadership development around dozens of issues. We fight for a Virginia that is just, democratic and environmentally sustainable. Women and people of color are encouraged to apply. We are an equal opportunity employer.

Mitchell Yangson
Regional Field Director
New Virginia Majority
3801 Mt Vernon Ave | Alexandria VA 22305
myan...@newvirginiamajority.org | 
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