using jni4net in c# to call java google speech to text api code

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Ruts Karyakarte

Sep 9, 2019, 6:12:24 AM9/9/19
to jni4net

I am struggling to call java api code in c# using jni4net. 
Can someone throw some light on this topic please? 

Below are the steps I have taken so far. 
1. Written a  code in eclipse / maven. 
2. Created a jar file with all dependencies in it. 
3. Created .Net application in visual studio 2017 
4. included  jni4net dll and its jar file along with above generated jar file of google speech to text api.
(To do this step I am referring jni4net sample helloworldfromCLR)

Now the last step which I don't know how to do,  Is to call class/method from jar file in c# application to print speech to text results. 

I appreciate any help here. 

Pavel Šavara

Sep 9, 2019, 6:19:30 AM9/9/19
to jni4net
Your java code needs to be represented in C# by some code, so that you could use it there.
That code is caled proxy. jni4net has proxygen  tool which could read your jar file and produce proxy code.
You will need to compile the proxy code and add it to your C# project as reference, so that you could use it.

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Ruts Karyakarte

Sep 9, 2019, 7:34:35 AM9/9/19
to jni4net
Thanks a lot for your quick response. I am now looking at ProxyGen on link here .
I am still not sure what I suppose to do with ProxyGen.exe.  I can see ProxyGent.exe in bin folder. They are Proxygen.exe, proxygen.exe.config , proxygen-GPL.3.0.txt in bin folder. I also copied jni4net.j- jar and dll files there. 
Do I need to copy my java code's jar file there? Above link suggest below 

c:\users\you\desktop\proxygen.exe "c:\users\you\desktop\lib.dll" -wd "c:\users\you\desktop"

...and when generating Java proxies for a .NET-compiled library with dependencies, enter:

c:\users\you\desktop\proxygen.exe "c:\users\you\desktop\lib.dll" -wd "c:\users\you\desktop" -cp "c:\users\you\desktop\dependsA.dll","c:\users\you\desktop\dependsB.dll"
what is depends.dll and depends.dll, lib.dll?  I can not see any of them in my sample code.
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