is JNI4net still actively supported?

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suman sourav

Nov 24, 2023, 12:28:42 AM11/24/23
to jni4net
Hi Team,

We were evaluating this library JNI4Net 0.8.8 for our use case where we had to reuse existing C# DLLs by Java code.
We could successfully get Java to C# communication working using this lib.

Any open source lib used in our company goes through some security approvals.
As the latest release date is 2014 for 0.8.8 and could see a last commit in 2019, there are questions around any lib if not active for the last 2 years. There are some questions about the commitment to any fixes if there are any security vulnerabilities that could arise in the future. Of course, we ran a security scan, and ZERO vulnerabilities were found for this lib.

We understand there is a difference between code that is not getting any updates and code that does not require any updates. However, for security reasons, we need to err on the side of caution and assume the former when it is not clear. We would like to know if the former or latter would be applicable to this library.

Please let us know your recommendations for the adoption of this library in 2023.

Suman Sourav
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