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Matthias Bläsing

Nov 18, 2023, 9:54:02 AM11/18/23
Hi all,

JNA has accumulated several changes, that would warrant a release. I intent to cut it in the next two weeks.

Below you find the current state of the  change log.

Does anyone want to get some more things merged? If so, now would be a good time to speak up and talk about it.



Next Release (5.14.0)


  • #1556: Add SetJob, SetPrinter to c.s.j.p.w.Winspool - @tresf.
  • #1534: Add GetMethod, Put, SpawnInstance to c.s.j.p.win32.COM.WbemCli#IWbemClassObject and ExecMethod to c.s.j.p.win32.COM.WbemCli#IWbemServices - @faddom.
  • #1544: Add GetPriorityClass, SetPriorityClass, GetThreadPriority, SetThreadPriority and associated constants to c.s.j.p.win32.Kernel32 - @dEajL3kA.
  • #1548: Make interface c.s.j.p.mac.XAttr public - @matthiasblaesing.
  • #1551: Add c.s.j.p.bsd.ExtAttr and c.s.j.p.bsd.ExtAttrUtil to wrap BSD <sys/extattr.h> system calls. @rednoah.
  • #1517: Add missing O_* (e.g. O_APPEND, O_SYNC, O_DIRECT, ...) to c.s.j.p.linux.Fcntl - @matthiasblaesing.
  • #1521: Shutdown CleanerThread once the last cleanable is removed - @matthiasblaesing.
  • #1557: Build linux-riscv64 on Ubuntu focal to improve compatibility with older glibc versions - @matthiasblaesing.

Bug Fixes

Important Changes

  • The interfaces between Java and native code have changed, so libjnidispatch must be rebuilt to be compatible with this release.
  • Release drops support for JDKs 6 + 7, so you'll need at least JDK 8 to update to use this version.
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