Tonight, Welcome Katie and Kickboxing.

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Danielle van Asch-Prevot

Feb 20, 2014, 1:56:39 PM2/20/14
to jlsf-provisional-ed---silver-and-gold,
Hi Ladies, 

If you are going to the Launch Party, provisionals and advisors are meeting at XYZ at 5:45. I will try to get there then, but it might be a tad later... 

We have a new addition to our group: Katie Kotiza, who is transferring to the SF League. (see very large photo) 

Fun facts about Katie: "I once swam across the Chesapeake Bay, I just drove across the country with my brother, my left front tooth is fake (sports related injury!), I had the chicken pox twice and I have perfected (at least in my mind) traditional French tarte au flan."

Also this Saturday there is a kickboxing class: 

"My small group planned a kick boxing class for this Saturday with SW Fitness (Shannon Wong is in our small group.)  We have a couple of spots open and would like to extend the invite to Junior League before opening it up. Here is the link for the class-  Please feel free to pass it along to your provisionals. We may grab brunch afterwards!"

(I have done Shannon's classes and I really like them. I would do this, but I will be doing her Weekend Warrior at 10 AM and I don't think I can do two~!)

<3 Danielle 

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