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By : Bob Hodge

Social Semiotics for a Complex World: Analysing Language and Social Meaning in Kindle/PDF/EPUB




Book Synopsis :

Social semiotics reveals language?s social meaning ?- its structures, processes, conditions and effects ?- in all social contexts, across all media and modes of discourse. This important new book uses social semiotics as a one-stop shop to analyse language and social meaning, enhancing linguistics with a sociological imagination.Social Semiotics for a Complex World develops ideas, frameworks and strategies for better understanding key problems and issues involving language and social action in today?s hyper-complex world driven by globalization and new media. Its semiotic basis incorporates insights from various schools of linguistics (such as cognitive linguistics, critical discourse analysis and sociolinguistics) as well as from sociology, anthropology, philosophy, psychology and literary studies. It employs a multi-modal perspective to follow meaning across all modes of language and media, and a multi-scalar approach that ranges between databases and one-word slogans, the local .


Book Detail :

Tittle : Social Semiotics for a Complex World: Analysing Language and Social Meaning

Author : Bob Hodge

Pages : 256 pages

Publisher : Polity Press

Language :

ISBN-10 : 074569621X

ISBN-13 : 9780745696218


Supporting format: PDF, EPUB, Kindle, Audio, MOBI, HTML, RTF, TXT, etc.

Supporting : PC, Android, Apple, Ipad, Iphone, etc.


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