using Jiffy.js only

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Mar 25, 2009, 11:48:03 AM3/25/09
to jiffy-web
Hello Folks

Firstly i wanna say how much i appreciate your work and to making it
open source. It's a great idea.
We want to integrate it to our plattform now but i don't like the
apache -> pearl script -> oracle -> another modul to present the data-
> way.

I wanna display the measures and collected datas myself with my own
As far as i see it the js delivers a JSON object. Is there a
documentation regarding the different properties?

Thank you



Mar 26, 2009, 10:21:40 AM3/26/09
to jiffy-web
sry was rather looking on the sources than the documentation. my

this is the answer:

There are two different methods, batch and realtime, that can be used
to send data to the Apache log.


Batch will take all measures that are captured before page load
(including the load event) and post them in one single AJAX call to
the server. The URL format for this is,st=xxxxx,pn=somename,ets=slowJS:


Realtime will take measures as they are happening and send them as the
calls to Jiffy.measure happen. This will allow you to get data as it
is happening, and in the case where someone may drop off before the
page load event is executed, you still get some data from the client.
The format is the same except that ets will only contain one element.,st=xxxxx,pn=somename,ets=slowJS:12

In each case,
uid - Unique session id for the page, either automatically created or
overridden as above.
st - start time of the page, set by the jsStart() call.
pn - page name, either window.location() or overridden as above.
ets - Elapsed times serialized. Each element in this object is the
name of the measure and its elapsed time, e.g. slowJS(measure name):12
(elapsed time)
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