TE in complex systems close to transition

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AmirHossein Hassanzadeh

Feb 14, 2021, 6:14:27 PM2/14/21
to Java Information Dynamics Toolkit (JIDT) discussion
I've been recently trying to reproduce the results of the following article with JIDT:

But unfortunately I'm receiving very different results as I'm feeding the time series to the JIDT to calculate TE. I would really be thankful if anyone lets me know what I am doing wrong. 

On page 24 you can see some graphs which are plotted using the author's code. I used the time series and the default settings of "k_HISTORY" , "k_TAU" , "I_HISTORY" , "I_TAU" and noise "NOISE_LEVEL_TO_ADD"  and this was the result.
The code I used was like this:

def javCalcPTE (dataRaw , src , dest):
    # Add JIDT jar library to the path
    jarLocation = "D:\AmirHossein\jlizier-jidt-64a7a80\infodynamics.jar"
    # Start the JVM (add the "-Xmx" option with say 1024M if you get crashes due to not enough memory space)
    if(not isJVMStarted()):
        startJVM(getDefaultJVMPath(), "-ea", "-Djava.class.path=" + jarLocation)
    # As numpy array:
    data = np.array(dataRaw)
    # 1. Construct the calculator:
    calcClass = JPackage("infodynamics.measures.continuous.kraskov").TransferEntropyCalculatorKraskov
    calc = calcClass()
    # 2. Set any properties to non-default values:
    # No properties were set to non-default values

    source = data[:,src]
    destination = data[:,dest]
    # 3. Initialise the calculator for (re-)use:
    # 4. Supply the sample data:
    calc.setObservations(source, destination)
    # 5. Compute the estimate:
    result = calc.computeAverageLocalOfObservations()
    return result

Also as someone recommended I used the matrix for of TE and the difference of the target time series as target, i.e. 

# Compute for all pairs:
    for s in range(3):
        for d in range(3):
            # For each source-dest pair:
            if (s == d):
            source = data[:-1 , s]
            destination = np.diff(data[: , d])
            # 3. Initialise the calculator for (re-)use:
            # 4. Supply the sample data:
            calc.setObservations(source, destination)
            # 5. Compute the estimate:
            PTE[s][d] = calc.computeAverageLocalOfObservations()
            #print (PTE[s][d])
    #print (PTE)
    return PTE

And this was the result:


These were the results I was comparing with the TE plot (4th plot on the left).
Thank you, 
AmirHossein Hassanzadeh

P.S: Using the code on the thesis, I gained the same results as shown in page 24 of the thesis.

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