Fwd: Save our RSS Youtube Channel Conspiracy is going on to Ban it

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mukesh bhatia

Jun 9, 2010, 5:48:25 AM6/9/10
to sy...@googlegroups.com, hariomgr...@googlegroups.com, syvss-...@googlegroups.com, sadha...@googlegroups.com, syvs...@googlegroups.com, ashram...@googlegroups.com, thesucce...@googlegroups.com, jib...@googlegroups.com, Har...@googlegroups.com, hariom-...@googlegroups.com

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: praful nikam <praful...@gmail.com>
Date: Wed, Jun 9, 2010 at 11:05 AM
Subject: Save our RSS Youtube Channel Conspiracy is going on to Ban it
To: Praful <techn...@yahoo.co.in>

Namaskar to every one;

This bellow was the male which one of core member of RSS youtube channel team (www.youtube.com/RSSOwner) received yesterday. I request all to forward this request to every one in your contacts and tell them to subscribe to this youtube channel; so that we can save our Youtube Channel. Please don't get lazy or careless or we will loose something which is really hard earned by all of us.
As per community discussion below are more details.
My name is Raman Khatri basically from Delhi; currently in USA and working with Big Software giant.

If you see last 1-2 year media news; all internet work by RSS youth was lot appreciated.



Even the latest Times article which shown that RSS Shakha are  fast reducing also appreciated online works. Especially on Facebook, Orkut, You Tube.


This popularity of online work is now becoming a headache for all opponents and internal news show that all such online works will be targeted on large scale; specially Youtube videos. In past such conspiracy forced Orkut to block all Hindutvawadi Communites; but that time a pressure from masses on orkut had forced orkut to unblock all communities (till few communites with over 1 lakh members never unblocked).

Few online jihadi groups planed that they will flag good videos on RSS youtube channel www.youtube.com/RSSOwner This channel is now lot popular among online youths and hence Jihadi group considering it as a main onlnine enemy. Once they achieve total 1 lakh negative flag and if channel have less than 5000 subscribers then Channel will be automatically deleted. Even from India some political people are sending request to youtube to delete this channel.
My Request

To save channel your team need to work hard and reach 5000 subscribers or in few days this channel will be deleted. Even you can see how anti RSS videos are made popular http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=umJn98SPcsg this video is part of Ban RSS campaign and already 13000+ people visited. All this flagging and popularity increase is done thought black hat magic and hacking tools. So take an action or you will lose that channel soon.



Sandeep Pandey

Thanks & Regards,

!! तेरा वैभव अमर रहे माँ, हम दिन चार रहे ना रहें !!

Thanks and regards,

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