Jib Maven 2.5.2 and Jib Gradle 2.5.0 have been released!

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Chanseok Oh

Aug 11, 2020, 2:40:01 PM8/11/20
to Jib users
Jib Maven 2.5.2 and Gradle 2.5.0 have been released!

Major Changes for Plugins

- Incubating feature: can now configure desired platform (architecture and OS) to select the matching manifest from a Docker manifest list for a base image. Currently supports building only one image. OCI image indices are not supported.
        <image>... image reference to a manifest list ...</image>

   jib.from {
     image = '... image reference to a manifest list ...'
     platforms {
       platform {
         architecture = 'arm64'
         os = 'linux'

- Now supports sending client certificate (for example, via the `javax.net.ssl.keyStore` and `javax.net.ssl.keyStorePassword` system properties) and thus enabling mutual TLS authentication.
- Fixed reporting a wrong credential helper name when the helper does not exist on Windows.
- Also tries `.exe` file extension for credential helpers on Windows.
- Fixed `NullPointerException` when the `"auths":` section in `~/.docker/config.json` has an entry with no `"auth":` field.
- New system property `jib.skipExistingImages` (false by default) to skip pushing images (manifests) if the image already exists in the registry.
- Fixed an issue where Jib cannot infer Kotlin main class that takes no arguments.
- (Maven) Fixed build failure with `<containerizingMode>packaged` in Spring Boot projects where Jib assumed a wrong JAR path when `<finalName>` or `<classifier>` is configured in Spring Boot.

See CHANGELOG.md (Maven / Gradle) for more details.
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