Fwd: Free JUG Tickets - JCON WORLD ONLINE 2023

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Thomas Pliakas

Oct 4, 2023, 8:17:23 AM10/4/23
to jhug

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Info JCON <in...@jcon.one>
Date: Wed, Oct 4, 2023 at 9:53 AM
Subject: Free JUG Tickets - JCON WORLD ONLINE 2023
To: tpli...@gmail.com <tpli...@gmail.com>

Hey Thomas Pliakas,

JCON WORLD is the biggest international Java online conference, organized by the Java User Group Oberpfalz in collaboration with JAVAPRO Magazine. Last year, more than 2,800 people from 77 countries and 6 continents joined the event.

JCON WORLD ONLINE 2023 is a virtual-only conference. We love to provide Java developers with a spectacular 100% live conference open to the entire Java User Group communities worldwide. All sessions are live through a constantly running live stream that is easy to join and joyful to watch, wherever you are.

JCON stands for high-quality sessions and speakers and free access for all Java User Group members because we as a Java User Group believe that all committed JUG members should have the chance to learn from the best speakers at least once in the year for free of charge.

We have another great offer for you! There is now a large contingent of 1,000 free JUG tickets, which can be accessed by all Java User Groups. JUG tickets can be booked directly on the JCON website, which will be awarded on a first-come-first-serve model. So, please share this offer with your JUG members quickly and get your tickets while stock lasts!


 Your free JUG-Ticket:

Website: https://2023.world.jcon.one/tickets

Personal link (also for passing on, discount code already preset): https://bit.ly/JCON2023-free-JUG-tickets-w


The JCON WORLD 2023 will take place this year from 20 to 22 November 2023 as an ONLINE conference and offers a super program:

·         3 conference days

·         5 live talks simultaneously

·         daily from 9:00 to 18:00

·         100+ Speaker

·         120+ sessions

·         2,600+ participants


With the JUG-Ticket you can participate in all sessions on all conference days.

Please inform your members about it and we look forward to your participation.


Social media:

Please use the hashtag #JCON2023 to promote the conference. Our Twitter handle is @jcon_conference / https://twitter.com/jcon_conference

Please join our event on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/events/jconworld20237079413199795544065

Please join our event on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/2342094215970933


Become a Partner JUG - it’s free!

Numerous JUGs worldwide are already partnering with JCON. Just send us your JUG logo to in...@jcon.one and we will add it to the JCON website and all ads. As a future partner, you naturally have first access to our "JUG ticket contingent" for all future JCON conferences. JCON EUROPE 2024 is already planned for May in Cologne! So, become a JCON partner quickly and secure advantages!


If you want to promote us, download our banners and logos here: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1z6yP4n8c6NTnRPJK_dLu9_SsSxUDGS-e?usp=sharing


We would love to have you as a partner in our JCON family and welcome your members to JCON WORLD 2023.


Best wishes

Carmen Kett
JUG Oberpfalz in Kooperation mit JAVAPRO/JCON Organisation

eMail: in...@jcon.one 

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