Fwd: [Docker] Action Required - Credit Card Payment Failed

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Julien Dubois

Oct 15, 2023, 9:45:18 AM10/15/23
to JHipster dev team
Hi everyone,

It was announced a few weeks ago, Docker is (again!) changing its paying plans, it seems they removed the OSS plan we were using for JHipster.
This is $300 per year, and I don’t think we should pay for it: it gives us unlimited private repo (we use none!), 15 concurrent builds (we use GitHub Actions!)…. so basically we don’t use any of those.
There are only 2 important options for us:
- Number of users: in fact we should clean up the current list, and 3 users (which is in the free tier) should be our maximum for security reasons. Current users are Frederick Hahne, Pascal Grimaud, Pierre Besson, Sudharaka Palamakumbura and myself. My proposal is that we keep Pascal, Pierre and myself.
- Unlimited pull request for our users: there is no mention of this anywhere, so I’m not sure this is still relevant. If we get in trouble with those, anyway, I would recommend going to GitHub packages. Sure, it’s of much lower quality, but as we don’t use most features from Docker Hub, and that security would be easier (everything on GitHub), that would be an easier option for us.



I don’t think we should pay

Begin forwarded message:

Subject: [Docker] Action Required - Credit Card Payment Failed
Date: 15 October 2023 at 00:50:04 CEST

Hello jhipster!
We were unable to process a payment on your account for invoice #INV-4EF96Ethat was due on October 14, 2023 - the credit card was declined for an unknown reason.
We appreciate you working with Docker on this and look forward to resolving the matter with you quickly.
If you have already sent payment for this invoice, please contact Docker at bil...@docker.com regarding invoice #INV-4EF96E to ensure your payment was received and applied to your account.
If the payment method associated with your account is not updated in 14 days, your subscription will be downgraded.

Thank you,
The Docker Team
This email was sent to julien...@gmail.com to notify you of an update made to your Docker account.
3790 El Camino Real #1052, Palo Alto, CA 94306         

Frederik Hahne

Oct 15, 2023, 9:59:43 AM10/15/23
to JHipster dev team
Sounds good!

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Oct 15, 2023, 10:12:01 AM10/15/23
to Frederik Hahne, JHipster dev team

Vishal Mahajan

Oct 15, 2023, 10:29:25 AM10/15/23
to Pascal GRIMAUD, Frederik Hahne, JHipster dev team
The DSOS (https://www.docker.com/community/open-source/application/) plan looks good to me. We should probably move to that.


Pierre Besson

Oct 15, 2023, 11:20:59 AM10/15/23
to Julien Dubois, JHipster dev team
+1 for this plan. I don't think we should pay them any money. Julien, you even did free marketing for them back in the days to push docker adoption for devs (https://fr.slideshare.net/julien.dubois/grer-son-environnement-de-dveloppement-avec-docker).



Daniel Franco

Oct 15, 2023, 12:17:30 PM10/15/23
to Pierre Besson, Julien Dubois, JHipster dev team

Deepu K Sasidharan

Oct 15, 2023, 4:58:56 PM10/15/23
to Daniel Franco, Pierre Besson, Julien Dubois, JHipster dev team
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