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jGnash 2.33.0

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Craig Cavanaugh

Aug 12, 2017, 6:26:19 AM8/12/17
to, Google jGnash Devel Group
jGnash 2.33.0 has been released!

jGnash is available from the usual download location. 

This release provides new executable files for starting jGnash.  Windows users are not significantly impacted as the same jGnashFx.exe and jGnash2.exe files are present.  Executable bash scripts are now provided for Un*x and BSD based users as jGnashFx and jGnash2.  This means you can easily launch jGnash without creating custom scripts or dropping to a shell.  I would appreciate feedback and tips from OSX users as to how well this works.

The significant changes for this release are implementation of amortized payments and the ability to execute Reminders on demand within the FX user interface.

The detailed list of changes is below.


Release 2.33.0

  • 08/11/17 Updated to the latest Netty dependency.
  • 08/09/17 Implemented amortized payments for the Fx interface. (Fx)
  • 07/31/17 Build system has been converted to Gradle.  Unix executable shell scripts are now provided.
  • 07/31/17 Updated to the latest jopt-simple dependency.
  • 07/09/17 Updated to the latest DynamicJasper and JasperReports dependencies.
  • 07/09/17 Updated to the latest Apache POI dependency.
  • 07/02/17 Further improvements to handling Yahoo Fiance API errors.
  • 07/02/17 Potential fix for a Budget Exception occurring when OSX users are using a relational database.
  • 06/19/17 Added a command button to execute a Reminder on demand. (Fx)
  • 06/16/17 Updated to the latest Netty dependency.
  • 06/16/17 Updated to the latest XStream dependency.
  • 06/16/17 Updated to the latest H2 database dependency.

Craig Cavanaugh

Aug 14, 2017, 5:24:24 AM8/14/17
to jGnash-User,
Did you happen to capture the console errors?

On Saturday, August 12, 2017 at 2:45:54 PM UTC-4, Lee Davis wrote:
I couldn't get it to work with my existing bxds file.  with the FX version opening the file didn't display any error message . The non -FX version did pop up an error box, but it was too small to read on my laptop due to the high resolution screen.

I had to save my existing bxds file as h2.db using v2.32 which does then open in 2.33.

Craig Cavanaugh

Aug 14, 2017, 4:56:15 PM8/14/17
to jGnash-User,
It's possible it's a corrupted file.  Did you by chance skip a few releases or do you stay current with new releases?  There were some significant changes in 2.26.0 and skipping releases prior to that would have caused issues.


On Monday, August 14, 2017 at 7:20:05 AM UTC-4, Lee Davis wrote:

No console errors appeared , but I have taken a screengrab of the error box.

I'm wondering whether the problem is that one of the transactions in the file is corrupted, as with FX v2.32 ( and possibly the version before) editing existing transactions would often pop up an error and not display the edited transaction until jgnash was closed and reopened.

Craig Cavanaugh

Aug 16, 2017, 6:31:13 PM8/16/17
to jGnash-User,
Sorry for the issues... It appears as if the upgrade to the latest XStream broke things.  Two options:

1. Stay on 2.32.0 until I get a 2.33.1 maintenance release out.
2. Save your file in 2.32.0 as a relational database .h2.db, .script, or .mv.db.  They correctly handle the transition to 2.33.0 and long term, are more crash resistant.


On Wednesday, August 16, 2017 at 12:58:49 AM UTC-4, Daryl Davis wrote:
Hi Craig,

Like others here, I can't get jGnash 2.33.0 to read my 2.32.0 file. jGnash2 gives an error; jGnash-Fx does nothing at all. I'm on KDE Neon (Ubuntu LTS 16.04).
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