This release corrects a regression in Release 2.33.0 that is preventing the loading of some xml and bxds files in addition to some other minor issues and improvements. The error appears to be a bit random, so upgrading is highly recommended.
If you are having an issue, the best solution is to open the file using 2.32.0 and save as a .h2.db, .mv.db, or a .script database file and then open in release 2.33.1 You may them save back to a .xml or .bxds file. The database formats will always provide for the best system crash protection.
There have also been some minor changes to allow operation under Java 9 with use of the --add-modules java.xml.bind command line option 'after' java and before -jar. The manual details the normal command line options.
The detailed list of changes is below.
Release 2.33.1
08/18/17 Corrected an issue with optimal Date storage in xml and bxds files caused by a regression introduced in 2.33.0
08/16/17 The OFX export will now generate required information for transfer between accounts. (Swing, Fx)
08/15/17 Simple use of portable preferences was failing with use of -p or --portable. (Swing, Fx)
08/15/17 Display a console message with the successful uninstallation of application preferences. (Swing, Fx)
08/15/17 The command line help system was not being displayed on the console correctly. (Swing, Fx)
08/14/17 OFX import now supports transfers between accounts. (Fx)
08/13/17 The open dialog was incorrectly allowing selection of a file when a remote connection was selected. (Fx)
08/13/17 Internal were changes made to allow operation with Java 9 with the addition of the command line option --add-modules java.xml.bind. (Swing, Fx)