Tom, I picked up a recent snapshot of 2.6 that supports
highlightedCalendars and
disabledCalendars. Both will be quite useful but I'm having another (hopefully easily remedied) problem. As mentioned in my original post, I'd like to highlight the days that have events associated with them. There are potentially thousands of days with events, but the only ones that are relevant are the ones in the month being currently displayed.
I looked at through the documentation and code for jfxtras-labs-2.2-r6-20140104.090242-24, but I don't see a way of determining which month is displayed, nor do I see a way of determining when the displayed month changes. I can see it all in CalendarPickerControlSkin and CalendarPickerMonthlySkinAbstract, but not in CalendarPicker itself.
Sorry if I'm missing something that should be obvious.