Re: [jfxtras-users] Agenda Control Issues and Questions

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Aug 24, 2014, 3:07:27 PM8/24/14
I tried to reproduce your problem, but was unable to. Maybe the cause is in how you setup the code? If you take a peek at the sample

You will see that a calendar picker is bound to the calendar property of Agenda (line 246). This works without problems. Maybe you can create a small example where your problem occurs? I assume you are using 8.0-r2-SNAPSHOT...

There is no hook for dragging an appointment (at this time). Basically what happens is that because of the dragging the setStartTime method is called on the appointment. Then the agenda is refreshed. If the setter does not accept the value, then nothing will change.

This does not mean that this is how it must work, if you can provide me with a good use case why such a callback is preferable, I'm more than willing to add it.

Regard, Tom

On 22-7-2014 08:59, Soprano1203 wrote:

Hello at all, 

I got some Questions about the Agenda Control of JFXtras and I hope, any1 can help me.

  1. I'm using the CalendarPicker for switching the weeks of the Agenda. In my case, it's only working at every second click on the specific day. It seems, that the Calendar Object of the agenda (agenda.getDisplayedCalendar()) is null at this case in AgendaWeekSkin. I dont know why. See Exception here

  2. I want to override the method or listener, which is responsible for dragging an appointment to another day or time span. I cant find the location of it in the code. I also saw a recent post for this, but I dont't know, where I need to set a ChangeListener on it

Thanks for helping me!

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