Ostereicher/Diener Research

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Harvey Glasner

Apr 28, 2014, 10:30:37 AM4/28/14
to jewish-prz...@googlegroups.com
Recently I discovered that my great grandmother, Marjem Ostereicher
(1850-1935) was buried in Toronto Canada. She was born and spent most
of her life in Przemysl. Marjem was married to Leib Ostereicher and
had two daughters, Ettel Glasner, my grandmother and Sara Ostereicher.
Marjem's matzhevot is significant because I learned that her father
was Akiva Diener of Przemysl. Is anyone in this forum researching the
Diener family? If so, might there be a connection to Akiva?


Harvey Glasner
Toronto, Canada
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