Reminder: JETwit as info clearinghouse

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Steven Horowitz

Nov 20, 2021, 4:58:48 PM11/20/21
to JetWit Jobs Google groups
Just a friendly reminder to JETAA chapters around the world, USJETAA, JETAA USA, JETAA International, CLAIR, MOFA, and anyone else in the JETAA-sphere that JETwit is intended among other things as an information clearinghouse. That means that you are welcome and encouraged to take any content from the JETwit site and use it for the benefit of the JET alumni community. No permission needed. Just go ahead and take it. :-) 

Part of the impetus for creating JETwit back in 2008 was to create a way to share content among chapter newsletters. I was the JETAANY Newsletter Editor from 2002-2008, and back then chapters really had no idea what was going on with other chapters. So I reached out to as many chapters as I could to figure out if any other chapters had an active newsletter (and active newsletter editor.) That led me to connect with Mark Frey in JETAA NoCal (now a member of the JETAA USA Board of Advisors) and Elizabeth Sharpe of Pacific Northwest JETAA. We were all familiar with the challenge of creating enough content for each issue of the newsletter. (It was all in print back then, and we'd actually mail it out to the JET alum community! So we started sharing articles and helping each other find more writers, which made our lives easier, made for better issues, and also led to new friendships that still continue. And eventually (and as web tools continued to evolve) I realized I could just put content on a website (a blog, really) and call it which stood for JET Writers Interpreters and Translators. (There's a whole other backstory that goes with that, but I'll save that for another time.)

All of which is to say, please feel free to take and use any content from JETwit that is helpful. That's what it's there for. The only thing I ask is that you include credit to whoever wrote the post if it's listed.

Ok, thanks for reading. Now you can go back to whatever you were doing. 


Steven Horowitz (Aichi-ken, Kariya-shi, 1992-94)
Silver Spring, MD
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