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Amazon CloudFront announces deprecation of older API versions

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Apr 22, 2019, 7:13:52 PM4/22/19
to JetS3t Users
Given the recent announcement from Amazon that older CloudFront API versions will be deprecated, are there any plans to update JetS3t?

All CloudFront API releases from 2015 and prior will be supported until April 30, 2020. (This date was given in a followup announcement).

Based on the code and the release notes, it looks like the latest API version used is "2012-05-05".

It seems that without updating the API version, it would effectively end JetS3t's capabilities of contacting CloudFront.

Any information on the future of JetS3t would be appreciated. Whatever happens, thanks for your work on the project, it has provided several years of useful integration for us.

James Murty

Apr 22, 2019, 7:44:09 PM4/22/19

Thanks very much for the thanks, I appreciate it!

Unfortunately you are right that I am no longer maintaining JetS3t, but luckily Paul Gregoire (aka Mondain) is still working on an official fork over at

Can you please report this issue over there?

I haven't done a great job of publicising the new home for JetS3t, the my lack of support: I need to put a clear announcement in the places people are likely to look. Here is the earlier announcement on this mailing list:!topic/jets3t-users/GoErNkCYiyE

FWIW from the below comment in the followup announcement, it seems there is a chance that just bumping the version number string will be enough to continue working with CloudFront without any further code changes: "the current APIs are backwards compatible with those we planned to deprecate"

I am suspicious that things will work with just a trivial change like that, but you never know, hopefully this time around life will be easy.


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Apr 23, 2019, 11:50:05 AM4/23/19
to JetS3t Users
Thanks for the update James. I've created an issue over on moundain's GitHub repo.

On Monday, April 22, 2019 at 6:44:09 PM UTC-5, James Murty wrote:

Thanks very much for the thanks, I appreciate it!

Unfortunately you are right that I am no longer maintaining JetS3t, but luckily Paul Gregoire (aka Mondain) is still working on an official fork over at

Can you please report this issue over there?

I haven't done a great job of publicising the new home for JetS3t, the my lack of support: I need to put a clear announcement in the places people are likely to look. Here is the earlier announcement on this mailing list:!topic/jets3t-users/GoErNkCYiyE

FWIW from the below comment in the followup announcement, it seems there is a chance that just bumping the version number string will be enough to continue working with CloudFront without any further code changes: "the current APIs are backwards compatible with those we planned to deprecate"

I am suspicious that things will work with just a trivial change like that, but you never know, hopefully this time around life will be easy.


On Tue, 23 Apr 2019 at 09:13, <> wrote:
Given the recent announcement from Amazon that older CloudFront API versions will be deprecated, are there any plans to update JetS3t?

All CloudFront API releases from 2015 and prior will be supported until April 30, 2020. (This date was given in a followup announcement).

Based on the code and the release notes, it looks like the latest API version used is "2012-05-05".

It seems that without updating the API version, it would effectively end JetS3t's capabilities of contacting CloudFront.

Any information on the future of JetS3t would be appreciated. Whatever happens, thanks for your work on the project, it has provided several years of useful integration for us.

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Apr 23, 2019, 1:25:24 PM4/23/19
I'll check it and figure out what needs to be done to support any changes made by Amazon.


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